
Thursday, December 20, 2007

2008 Projects

I mentioned yesterday that I doubt I'll have any stitching to share until after Christmas now. With my in-laws coming on Saturday, I just don't feel like starting on a project and then having to put it down. It's ok as sometimes it's good to take a break.

Sharon B. was recently discussing her philosophy on the "Slow Cloth". Basically, that would be the type of craft that one would take the time to plan out and orchestrate slowly with an emphasis on detail, technique and craftsmanship. Not necessarily something worked entirely by hand but not one of those "whip it in 5 minutes" type of craft projects. To read Sharon's post on this subject, please click here.

Sharon was wondering if we need a better definition for well-thought-out projects that take time to create. I do believe there is a place for the "whip it up" type of projects. It's not what I do or would want to do but I know there are people out there who don't have time or patience for anything but the simple craft project. I do feel that there needs to be a separation in this area rather than all craft projects being lumped into one catagory.

If you have any thoughts on this, feel free to leave a comment here or better yet, since is Sharon's discussion really, leave a comment on her blog.

I've been thinking a lot lately about Sharon's post on this subject and it's made me re-evaluate my own projects. Generally, I don't start something that I can't see myself finishing. I really don't have any UFO's so to speak. A couple of Works In Progress yes, but nothing that I can't bring myself to finish.

You may remember my antique crazy quilt that I bought over the Summer and intended to repair. I'll admit, after starting on it, I do prefer to just do my own CQ projects from scratch. It isn't as much fun to repair an old one but I still intend to do so. Perhaps just a little at a time to get it to the point of it being stable so it doesn't deteriorate any further.

The only other project that I have going is a "sane" patchwork quilt that I started a few years back and only work on in the Winter months. The quilt is done but I've been hand-quilting it and decided that that is just too boring for me. Thankfully, it's almost done and I hope to have it completed by the end of the Winter. From now on, when I get a bee in my bonnet to make a patchwork quilt, I will either tie it or I will machine quilt it.

I can see now that for the most part, my choice of stitching projects is based on what will hold my attention long enough to see it through to completion. For the most part, I choose small projects that I can do in a couple of weeks. It's not so much that I like to have a lot of finished projects to show for my time, but rather avoiding a feeling of being overwhelmed. I do get bored with projects that take more than a few weeks to finish.

It may come from my over-active sense of creativity. I always have a lot of ideas floating around in my head and although I don't keep a "visual journal" as many artists like to do, I do keep a list of the ideas that I really like and want to eventually create in a physical form.

I do have several projects planned for 2008. First is that I plan to partake in Sharon's Take It Further Challenge. This is a year long project where Sharon will post a concept for stitcher's to work with.

The challenge is to take the idea, develop it and push it towards a resolved design during that month. In other words you interpret the idea and apply it to fiber or paper.

Stitcher's can work in their normal medium, for example, in my case, I will be working in the CQ mode. I will be stitching each month on a different 9 inch block and when the year is over, I will assemble them into a quilt.

You may remember that I didn't stay with the TAST challenge. I fully intended to but at one point, I got busy with my work and couldn't keep up and then in other cases, I couldn't apply the weekly stitch to my current project. I also realized that learning new stitches just wasn't what I was interested in. I always go back to and use the basics. Those simple basic stitches that I learned as a child and I will honestly and openly tell you that I am absolutely ok with that! For me, crazy quilting isn't really about the stitches. It's about the over all composition and balance of a piece. And of course, it's about the embellisments!

The other project that I am planning on doing is my Peacock Quilt. It's all pieced but I can't remember when I did the piecing so I can't find the photo in my Flickr album. Anyway, back in the 80's, I stitched a peacock on black satin. It was a pre-stamped design and I never finished it into anything. I came across the stitched piece over the Summer and decided to make it a focal point with CQ worked on either side of it. I still have to pick up a frame that the CQ panels will fit on or I have to ask my husband to make one for me. I really dislike stitching without some sort of hoop or frame to hold onto.

Of course, in between the Take It Further Challenge project and the Peacock Quilt, I will be doing some more purses, some cellphone pouches and of course, more cats for the Comfort Doll Project.

Well, I guess that's quite a bit of rambling for one day. I'll end here and be back tomorrow with more one whatever pops into my head!

1 comment:

  1. I mostly stopped doing the TAST for the same reason, and because I didn't want to go post on the messages every week when I was finished. I just did what I did and went unheralded. =) I really like Elizabeth's blog of how she explored each stitch weekly, and got lots of inspiration from her. With the embellishers available in my repertoire, I can do hundreds of seams without repeating - I think that the Moms quilt will challenge me to do that, though I'm not going to be a fanatic about not repeating.

    I really enjoyed this post. I do short projects and longer ones, and let the chips fall where they may. =)


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