
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Kitty And Me Designs Update - Never Ending Sampler and more!


Good morning everyone! I wanted to let you in a few things. 

First, if you prefer printed pattern leaflets, I now offer free shipping on all orders over $35.00.

If you like PDF files, I'm running a 15% off discount until Feb. 28th. Coupon Code: VALENTINE14 .
My standard Coupon Code is: STITCH1 . That code will never expire and it's good for $1.00 off on all orders.
Also, get your needles ready. I'll have Panel 7 of the Never Ending Sampler ready in the next few days. It's all done, I just have to break it down into sections and work up the PDF files. So it's coming soon.
If you plan to stitch the NES, here's a little info:
It's a SPRING themed design. You can work it on any fabric color with any thread you like but I recommend using either a light colored fabric with a darker thread or a dark fabric with a light thread.
A hand dyed Orchid fabric with white or cream colored thread would look awesome! Of course you can do whatever you like, that's just my suggestion.
You'll get to do some specialty stitches too. You can add some beautiful Kreinik metallics or some Mill Hill beads if you like but that's your choice.
You're fabric piece (28 ct. evenweave over 2 or 14 count Aida) should be cut 12 inches wide X 24 inches high. The stitch count is 80 wide X 251 high. 
If you choose to work in a single thread color, you'll want to have several skeins on hand. I recommend having at least 3 skeins of DMC. You may have to adjust that if you choose a specialty thread.
Also, I'm thinking that Panel 7 will be last one for the NES. I've been doing more freebie designs and I'm liking that. Since there's only so many hours in the day, something has to give! I hope ya'll understand. 
But I promise, Panel 7 is the "Piece de Resistance" of the NES series!!
The hosting site for the NES is Fans Of Kitty And Me Designs Facebook Group. If you haven't already joined, please click on this link:
Of course it will be here on my blog as well.
I'm going to start on the PDF files today and will release part one in the next few days.
Happy Stitching everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love beads and some glimmering threads in a cross stitch! Your designs are so beautiful.


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