
Friday, September 18, 2020

Copyright Issues on Etsy

Just thought I'd mention something that was being discussed on an embroidery group that I follow over on Facebook.

If you find any patterns on Etsy that you feel violate copyrights, please contact Etsy. Etsy does not tolerate copyright infringement issues and will close down any shop that violates their terms.
There aren't any problems with my designs that I'm aware of at the moment, but there are people using the work of other artists and photographers. They use "auto conversion" software and then sell the computer generated chart as their own work cheating the artists and photographers out of possible income or royalties. 
The people who do this seem to think that artists have endless funds to pay attorneys to fight for their copyrights. That's a big time misconception!! Anyone who's had to pay an attorney for anything knows how expensive those services are.
The best thing to do is to contact Etsy about it and let them handle it.


  1. Question for you, since you have a shop and may have access to better information than I. I've looked into reporting several shops for copyright violation and as far as I can tell, Etsy will not act on a report unless the report is made by the copyright holder. Is that correct? I'd love to know because there are a few shops I'd like to see get yanked over this. Thanks!

  2. Honeybee, thank you for your questions. After doing more research on how Etsy handles copyright issues, it looks like copyright infringements will have be to addressed to the copyright holder. Then, if they choose to contact Etsy regarding the issue, Etsy will then work with the actual artist. This is such a huge problem and it's such a pain to try to get it resolved. So my suggestion now is to try to find the copyright holder/artist and contact them. I wish you luck!! And thank you for asking. Pam


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