
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

2021 Calendars

This year, I have two 2021 calendars.  The first is my annual Crazy Quilt Calendar featuring 13 high quality photos of crazy quilt projects that I did awhile back:

It's a beautiful calendar filled with eye candy and inspiration for anyone who enjoys all things pretty!

The 2nd calendar is my 1st annual Cross Stitch Calendar, this one featuring 12 cross stitch Biscornu patterns, one suitable for each month of the year.


Each pattern is 50 stitches square and the calendar booklet includes Biscornu finishing directions.

The designs are perfect not only for Biscornu pincushions but also for ornaments.

The full size calendar pages feature all US and Canadian holidays as well as the season changes.

Both are available now.

Magcloud - Print and/or PDF download: 

Etsy - Print only:

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

New Exclusive Colorful Cats - Butterfly

 The newest in the Exclusive Colorful Cats series is Butterfly:

Butterfly is exclusive to Cross Stitch Boutique.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Copyright Issues on Etsy

Just thought I'd mention something that was being discussed on an embroidery group that I follow over on Facebook.

If you find any patterns on Etsy that you feel violate copyrights, please contact Etsy. Etsy does not tolerate copyright infringement issues and will close down any shop that violates their terms.
There aren't any problems with my designs that I'm aware of at the moment, but there are people using the work of other artists and photographers. They use "auto conversion" software and then sell the computer generated chart as their own work cheating the artists and photographers out of possible income or royalties. 
The people who do this seem to think that artists have endless funds to pay attorneys to fight for their copyrights. That's a big time misconception!! Anyone who's had to pay an attorney for anything knows how expensive those services are.
The best thing to do is to contact Etsy about it and let them handle it.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Coupon Code for Cross Stitch PDF Downloads

 Good Morning everyone!  I thought I'd offer you a discount on my PDF downloads in my Etsy Store!

Use Coupon Code: PDF15 to save 15 % on all PDF Downloads in my Etsy store:
Offer good through 9/19
Happy Stitching!!!

Friday, September 11, 2020

9/11/2001 Free Memorial Cross Stitch Pattern

About a week after 9/11/2001, I created this cross stitch design, They Shall Soar On Wings Like Eagles as a free memorial design. I thought today would be a good day to re-release it.

They Shall Soar On Wings Like Eagles

Free Cross Stitch Pattern


New Exclusive Colorful Cat - Pumpkin

Many of you know that I've been trying to help the needlework retail stores get back on their feet.  As I have time, I've been creating exclusive Colorful Cat designs to help the shops.  My latest Colorful Cat in the exclusive series is Pumpkin!!

Pumpkin is exclusive to For The Stitcher's Soul.   Terri should have these in stock next week.  

There will be more.  I'm trying to help these wonderful store owners so I'm doing them as I can!!  Please support them!

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

2021 Calendars Coming Soon!!

I wanted to share my upcoming Calendars with you.  This year, there will be 2 calendars, first will be the 2021 Cross Stitch Biscornu Calendar:

This calendar includes the patterns for all 12 monthly Biscornu designs.  The designs are 50 stitches square and Biscornu finishing directions are included.

Also coming soon is the 2021 Crazy Quilt Calendar:

This calendar features 13 of my crazy quilt pieces, again suitable to each month of the year.

Both calendars include the traditional calendar page for each month featuring the US and Canadian holidays along with the season changes.

They are 8 1/2 inches wide X 11 inches high.

Release date:  October 1st!

Please contact your favorite stitchy shops and ask them to stock these beautiful calendars!

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Never Ending Sampler Clarification

Just a quick update: 

The bands for The Never Ending Sampler will be posted both here on my blog as well as on my Facebook Group.

Panel 7 will begin as soon as I can get settled in my new house.  It's a slow process but I'll get it done.  I had the interior painted, I've moved most of my personal things over there so now I need to get my furniture moved over and I need to order some things.

Please hang in here with me.