
Thursday, April 23, 2020


If you follow me on Facebook, you might know that I'm trying to post pretty or happy things everyday.  Under the circumstances, I think everyone needs something happy to look at.

I thought I'd start doing the same thing here.  But first, I thought I share the past few years of my life.  You've probably noticed that I haven't been very chatty for a very, very long time.  It's been a rather challenging time in my life.

You may know that I've just been through a horrible, 2 year long divorce.  And you may remember that I took care of my husband while he went through eye surgery for an almost completely detached retina and then a year later, I took care of him while he underwent chemo and radiation for cancer of the tonsils which he put off for 5 years despite me, my mother, his mother and my aunt telling him to take care of it.

Not only did I take care of him, I took care of my cats and my elderly cat Lucy who I lost 2 years ago.  I took care of the house, kept the roof over our heads and food on the table and paid the medical bills for those 2 major medical problems.  He lost a lot of time at work.   I also worked my tail feathers off to pay for a new roof on the house and a new water softener.  And I did it knowing the whole time, that he was fooling around with my sister.  There, I said it!  And I needed to say it!

In order to take care of all the medical bills and keep food on the table, I not only humiliated myself by setting up a Go Fund Me account, I sold 2 of my crazy quilts and my entire collection of crazy quilt purses that I made for myself.  There were about 25 of them.

When all was said and done, when I had everything paid for, he filed for a divorce and bullied me out of my house.  He was vicious!  I took my 4 cats, my personal things, my computer and my car and I have been living and working in my parent guest room for 2 years now.  The divorce was brutal and expensive.

I've tried to stitch here but most of my craft supplies are packed up and out of reach.  My 2 sewing machines are not accessible.  I can cross stitch but I only have a tiny space and quite frankly, I'm tired of trying to function in a space that I can't function in. 

So, I've focused all my energy on my work.  My cross stitch patterns and Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Knowing that when I buy a house and get settled, I will be able to get back to all the things I enjoy doing.

I am planning on buying a Townhouse in the near future.

So, with all that said, I have some nice plans that I'm working on and I will share those as they become feasible.  I hope to get back to being more chatty and more active here on my blog.  If you remember, I used to bake a lot and share my recipes.  I used to post a lot of photos of my kitties.  I used to share my flea market finds and lots of other things that I felt were of interest.  I used to do give aways and I just can't even remember everything I used to do here but I always tried to make this a fun stop on your blog hops!  

I used to share my works in progress but I just don't have any at the moment.  That will change.

So for now, I will share some of my previous pretties!

This is my Mozart purse:

I made this quite a few years.  Mozart is my favorite composer.  The signature is his.  I found it online, traced it and embroidered it on the block.  The little treble clef is a rhinestone pin that I found at a flea market.  I hand painted the lace applique and beaded it once it was sewn down onto the block.

You can tell my earlier pieces by my little signature cat.  I used to stitch him on my blocks.  Maybe I'll go back to doing that when I can get back to doing these.

I've also been asked if I plan to get back to making some things to sell.  Yes, as soon as I can buy a house and get settled.  Yes, I will.

So that's what's been going on for the last few years.  It has not been pleasant but every storm runs out of rain eventually!!


  1. My goodness, how awful. I am so sorry. I hope you can settle into your own home soon and begin rebuilding your life. I'll be praying for you.

  2. Oh Pam, I'm sorry to hear of such difficult times for you. What a terrible situation you've been in, and you have endured a scenario that I cant imagine I'd be able to deal with the dignity that you have. Continue to shine bright!

  3. sending you hugs

  4. Anonymous3:16 PM

    What an ordeal! I’m so sorry you had to sell your precious crazy quilt possessions. I wish you tons of luck as you go forward with your new life. Your newest cat and owl cross stitch designs are fantastic! I’m so happy to see you designing again (Lesa formerly of CQforNewbies)

  5. Just read this today 4/25/20. So sorry to hear of all you have gone through. I too had a cheating husband. But, now that is all behind me. You will be better off in the long run. I am sure it hurt even more that it was with your sister. Enjoy your kitties and crafts. My stitching has help me through some rough times. I feel God has given me many talents so I must use them. God bless you!

  6. You keep posting and we will keep reading and supporting you in spirit. Take care :)

  7. What an ordeal you've been through! My thoughts and prayers go out to you as you continue with this struggle. It sounds like you are on your way to successfully getting through this. Looking forward to hearing about your new house (when you get it) and some new stitching projects.

  8. Wow. I recall in the past, you occasionally mentioned going through divorce, maybe mentioned house and finance things in a round-about way, but I did not realize it was all tied together in one giant mess. Your ex sounds like a real piece of... work. And your sister?!?!.... I... umm... I...aiyiyi... I got no words.

    I wish you well, and all things in your life becoming stable and start getting better and better for you. And that you can get out all your needlework and sewing things again.


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