
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

A Little Update

First, I've been wondering why I haven't received any comments in what seems like months and months!  Well, as it turns out, I've received a ton of comments but my email notifications for them have been going into my spam folder.  I figured it out because 1 message managed to squeeze through this morning.  When I checked my comments to authorize them, there was a ton of comments!!!  Okay ladies, thank you so much.  I wasn't sure anyone was enjoying my blog anymore.  All comments have been approved and thank you!!!!

Next, as you can see I've been working hard to republish my older cross stitch designs.  Yes, I am going back to designing cross stitch and will have some new things soon.  I'd love to do some new designs for Kreinik and for Zweigart.  But one thing at a time.....

I try not to whine too much about things, but honestly, the last 10 years of my life has been a nightmare.  I had reached a point where I just couldn't do everything anymore.  I don't have to go into details but I was under so much pressure.  I'm sure many of you have been there.  The writing is on the wall but you don't want to see it or you just don't know what to do so you end up feeling stuck, dealing with depression and anxiety and can't seem to find your way though it.  Then all of a sudden, you're forced to move on and that leads to a whole new set of things to deal with.  That's where I'm at.

I'm currently staying with my parents until this over.  I have my 4 cats with me and when this is finally settled, I want to buy my own small condo down the street from my parents.  I don't want to rent since I owned my own home for the last 25 years.  And landlords don't let you have pets around here.   So that's not an option.  When I adopted these little ones, I made a commitment to them, that I would always take care of them and that's how it will be.

I can afford the down payment but I need to get my income up since I have to almost completely support myself now.  This is where my problem currently lies.  But I'll figure it out.

A regular job is out of the question.  I started designing in 1989.  Full time since 1996.  I worked very hard over the years.  I'm much older now and very tired.  Just plain worn out, honestly.  And I always loved designing cross stitch.  Like I said, things just got to be too much awhile back.  Now, I have to put my life back together.

I'm the only person I'll have to clean up after now so I will have lot's and lot's of time to design and to stitch.  I'm very neat and well organized.

I'm hoping to have things finalized before the end of the year.  New year - new life, right?

Many of you have been with me since I started blogging back in what - 2006?  Wow!  So a lot of you know what I've gone through these last 10 years.  I did everything I could but it takes 2.  There was nothing else I could do.  I have to make a new life for me and my kitties.  It's kind of scary, after being married for 30 years.

So, it's time to start on a new journey.  I have some nice things planned for my cross stitch friends.  I'm planning on getting some new mystery stitch along projects started.  Of course the Never Ending Sampler will continue.  Everyone seems to really enjoy that.

I will continue to published Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine but I'm going to drop the yearly calendar.  Instead, I'll be doing a yearly cross stitch calendar complete with patterns to enjoy stitching throughout the year.

As I said earlier, I'd like to work again with Kreinik and Zweigart and I'm planning on doing some designs for Just Cross Stitch magazine.  I don't want to spread myself too thin but I know I'm a good designer and I do love it so where there's a will, there's a way.  I have to buy my own house and I have to be able to pay my bills and unfortunately, the cost of living these days is crazy!!

So why am I telling ya'll this?  I guess I'm just trying to set my plans in motion.  Getting it out of my head and written down.  I'm told that after a little bit of sadness, you get some relief.  Once that happens, I'm assuming it's easier to move on.

I'll let you know when it's done and over with.  Please stay tuned.

Tomorrow, I will release the Winter 2018 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Our dear friend Kathy Shaw is our cover artist.  You don't want to miss this issue!!


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Good luck! I’m sure 2019 will be a better year for you

    Lesa, cqfornewbies

  2. At least you are still getting notifications that you have comments. I'm not even getting those. I have to go to the my main blog page and look to see if there is anything in awaiting comments tab.

    I'm excited to see your cross stitch designs. I used to do that a lot but my wrists get so sore, although every now and then I'll pick up a magazine and work on small projects.

    Sorry about all the changes in your life. I'm looking to make some in the next year or two as well I wish you the best.

  3. I am so sorry you are going through all this, I hope thins smooth out soon.
    I love all your Kitty Cross stitch patterns, I have several. I also have one of your Christmas SAL projects as a WIP for several years. I love the colors!

    Thank you for re publishing your patterns.

  4. I'm so sorry to read that you've been forced to make such a drastic life-changing decision. It sounds like you've got a great plan in place and after following your cross stitch designs for years I'm sure you'll find your new happy life soon.

    I'm so glad that you're not abandoning your kitties.... we've missed out on some really great opportunities because of the furbabies that we've rescued but would not change a thing. It's refreshing to know that there are others as devoted to their pets.

    I've stitched so many of your charts and am looking forward to stitching many more.

    Keep your chin up and a needle to your fabric. It will get better. (((hugs)))

    Kathy Wilson

  5. Thanks Kathy. I would never abandon my pets. I was more worried about them than myself.

    Thank you for telling me that you've stitched so many of my patterns. I'll have new ones soon! Pam


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