
Monday, August 28, 2017

2018 Crazy Quilt Calendar

I mentioned a few weeks ago that we didn't receive enough entries to put together a 2018 Crazy Quilt Calendar.  Heartbroken is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about this.

Not only am I saddened for the girls who took the time to work up their submissions, but I'm saddened for my readers as well. 

The entries are featured in the Winter issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine which will be released on November 1st.  Each entry is beautifully displayed on it's own page along with a nice bio written by the artist.  From the 8 entries, my staff and I chose 2 winners, a grand prize and an editors choice winner.

The grand prize winner will receive a 1 year subscription to Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine starting with the Spring 2018 issue.  The Editors Choice prize will be a publication of the artists choosing from my Magcloud publications.

Each entrant will receive a print copy of the Winter issue.

For the 2019 calendar, I've decided drop the contest and go back to choosing artists for the 13 designs.  This will ensure enough designs to create a beautiful publication.

In the meantime, for 2018, I've decided to put together a calendar using my own designs.  This will give my readers a pretty calendar for next year.  It's not what I wanted to do but it'll be pretty.  I will be working on it this week and will release it as soon as I have it ready.

These are the calendars from 2015, 2016 and 2017:

2015 Crazy Quilt Calendar

2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar

2017 Crazy Quilt Calendar
If you're missing any, they are all still available at both Magcloud and Etsy and very much worth the beautiful eye candy!

So that's my news for today! 

1 comment:

  1. Pam, I am so happy that you've decided to do the calendar. I've only discovered Crazy Quilting this year, and I think it's a good idea to keep it in front of both my eyes and my mind. Thanks for all you do.


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