
Friday, March 24, 2017

Scott's Go Fund Me For Cancer Treatment Bills

Good Morning everyone! Scott is doing well. Only 2 1/2 weeks of treatments left. We're both counting down the days until this is over and the real healing can begin.

Unfortunately, I now have over $5,000.00 in medical bills sitting on my desk. I've done very well staying on top of everything until now.

It pains me to keep asking for help but the relief in being able to get this all paid for so we can put this horrible experience behind us, would be incredible. The last 6 months have just been awful for both of us.

We don't need to reach the goal that I set. We just need to raise another $5,000.00 to put this nightmare behind us. Cancer is hell!

If you can help with a donation or even just help by sharing this post as much as you can, I would so much appreciate it.

And thank you all so much for the donations and prayers that you've give us. We are both so grateful. I'll post another update next week.

Scotts Cancer Treatment Go Fund Me Page
If anyone prefers, there is a Paypal Donate button in my sidebar.  Thank you so much everyone!


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