
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Update On Scott

Hi Everyone. I want to give ya'll an update on how Scott is doing. Very well actually. The mild chemo treatments don't seem to be messing with his stomach at all, thank goodness! There are some side effects but they're mild so we can deal with them.

The radiation will be starting soon. First, because this is on his neck, a feeding tube will have to be put in which requires surgery. I'm waiting to get the exact date on that. I'm assuming next week sometime.

He's going to be missing a lot of work again. The surgery is an overnight stay in the hospital. The radiation will be 5 days a week for 6 weeks.

Mondays he will be getting the mild chemo and radiation so he won't be able to squeeze in any work time on Mondays. I'm not sure he'll be able to work at all towards the end of the radiation treatments but that remains to be seen.

I'll keep you posted. If all goes as expected, the treatments should be done by mid - late April. We're both stressed and we're both tired but having the medical stuff out of the way will be a huge relief. He's responding very well to the treatments!

Love and hugs!

Scott's Cancer Treatment Fund

1 comment:

  1. That's good news! Blessings to you both.


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