
Monday, January 09, 2017

Update On Scott

Hi Everyone! Round 3 of the chemo is over. It was a really rough weekend but Scott's color is back and I'm hoping we can get some solid food in him today.

Round 4 of the chemo was cancelled. The cancer responded really well to the 3 rounds so now, he moves on to the radiation and a different type of chemo which we're told, isn't so horrible on the body!

So it looks like we're at the 1/2 way point!

Thank you so much for your kindness, prayers and generosity. I'm so grateful! We still need help though. There's a huge deductible coming now, a ton of more hospital bills and he's lost so much time at work. Right now, I'm just trying to focus on paying our regular bills.

I know everything will be okay but I need to keep our heads above water. Please share on facebook!!

Thank you so much everyone,



  1. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I'm so pleased to hear he's responding well enough to completely cancel one round of chemo! That's huge! I know the Lord is watching over you both, and many people are praying for Scott.

  2. Hang in there! As a cancer survivor I know it can be tough going - but we have to look for the light at the end of the tunnel. And please accept all the help which friends and rellies may offer, driving, meals, laundry, you need plenty of care too.

  3. God Bless you Scott.
    Will continue to pray for you until Pamela says you are well again.

  4. I'm glad you have some good news. I hope you continue to get good news


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