
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine Spring 2017 Now Available

Just a quick announcement today everyone, the Spring 2017 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine is now available:

Special thanks go out to Allison Aller for being our cover designer!

Available at Magcloud:

And at Etsy:

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Vendors and Sponsors Needed

I'm looking for Vendors and Sponsors for the Summer 2017 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine:

Advertisement Information for Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine and other Publications
  • Business Card Ad - $40.00 (2 inches high X 3.5 inches wide - pixels:  600 X 1050)
  • Quarter Page Ad - $75.00 (5.5 inches high X 4.25 inches wide - pixels:  1650 X 1275)
  • Half Page Ad - $150.00 (5.5 inches high X 8.5 inches wide - pixels:  1650 X 2550)
  • Full Page Ad - $300.00 (11 inches high X 8.5 inches wide - pixels:  3300 X 2550)
  • Back Cover - $400.00 (11 inches high X 8.5 inches wide - pixels:  3300 X 2550)
  • Community Ad - $12.00 (30 words or less) - Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, stitching group, supplies for sale, etc.
  • Ad graphics must be high resolution JPEG images 300 DPI
  • Graphics must be provided by vendor
  • Payment must accompany ad copy 
  • Payment to be made via PayPal
Please email me to place your ad.

Never Ending Sampler Stitch Along - Panel 1 Band 15

Finally had a chance to work up Band #15 for the Never Ending Sampler Stitch Along!!!

Here is the entire sampler so far:

For Band #15, you'll be working two rows of the Cretan Stitch:

You can use beads or French Knots on the points.

Here is the overlap chart for placement below Band #14:

If you need directions for working the Cretan Stitch, please visit Sharon B's Stitch Dictionary.
Click on the "Open Cretan Stitch" for this band.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Update On Scott

Hi everyone!

I'm a little behind on email, my blog and the Never Ending Sampler Stitch Along.  I've been very tired with all that's been going on with Scott's Cancer Treatment.

Today, I'm going to try to get caught up on my email.  I'm trying not to push myself right now.

Scott is doing very well. There will be more chemo starting on Monday but this one targets the actual cancer cells and not the good cells. Thank goodness! What he went through was horrible!

The radiation will be starting soon but I don't have any dates yet so I'll let ya'll know when I find out more.

We could still use some help if anyone can. More lost pay and bills coming our way. I've done pretty good staying on top of things thanks to all of you and your generous donations. I hope I can continue to do that through the duration of this process.

Thank you to everyone!


Monday, January 16, 2017

Update on my Husband

Hi everyone,  Scott is doing well. So well in fact, the 4th round of chemo has been cancelled!!!

In a couple of weeks, he'll move on to the radiation treatments.

He felt good enough today to go back to work. He was climbing the walls sitting around here watching tv.

I'll let you know when we get to the radiation. I pray this will all be over and behind us by Spring.

We still need some help but I'm so grateful for your generous donations, for your prayers, your concern and your kindness. I'm just so very thankful.


Monday, January 09, 2017

Update On Scott

Hi Everyone! Round 3 of the chemo is over. It was a really rough weekend but Scott's color is back and I'm hoping we can get some solid food in him today.

Round 4 of the chemo was cancelled. The cancer responded really well to the 3 rounds so now, he moves on to the radiation and a different type of chemo which we're told, isn't so horrible on the body!

So it looks like we're at the 1/2 way point!

Thank you so much for your kindness, prayers and generosity. I'm so grateful! We still need help though. There's a huge deductible coming now, a ton of more hospital bills and he's lost so much time at work. Right now, I'm just trying to focus on paying our regular bills.

I know everything will be okay but I need to keep our heads above water. Please share on facebook!!

Thank you so much everyone,


McHenry Historical Crazy Quilt Block 6 - Hanley's Woods

I've been stitching on my McHenry Historical Crazy Quilt and finished up Block #6.  This Hanley's Woods:

If you don't live in McHenry, this probably won't mean anything to you but Hanley's Woods was owned by Alexander Hamilton Hanley and is located over by where my parents live.  Today it's known as the Whispering Oaks subdivision and Water's Edge.

The man on the left hand side of the photo is most likely one of Alexander's sons.  Probably George Hanley.

As I've mentioned before, Alexander Hanley is my old McHenry settler of choice!  LOL!!!  Honestly, I don't know why but if you're interested, here's a picture of him:

Special thanks goes out to Patrick Wirtz, our McHenry Historian for sharing the photo of the woods with me.  I had never seen that photo before.

Here are a few close up photos of the stitching:

I always embellish my lace.  Since this quilt is traditional in style, I've overstitched all the lace pieces instead of using beads and sequins like I usually do.

 These are just little satin stitched flowers, just scattered here and there.  Like they would be in the woods!

The little heart is filled in entirely with French knots.  I love doing French knots.  My grandmother taught me how to do them and every time I do, I think of her.

A simple little cross stitch pine tree, like one would find in the woods!

Never Ending Sampler Stitch Along Panel 1 Band 14

The next band in the Never Ending Sampler Stitch Along is very easy but you'll spend a little more time doing it.  First, here's the entire sampler to date:

And here's the next band:

The roses are cross stitch and the rest is back stitch.  Here is an overlap with band #13 for placement purposes:

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, January 03, 2017

McHenry Historical Crazy Quilt - Block #5 Complete

I was wide awake at 1:30 this morning so I just got up, made coffee and stitched.  I finished up on Block #5 of my McHenry Historical Crazy Quilt:

As a reminder, this building is called the North Western Hotel.  It was built in 1901 and sits on our Main St. next to the Train Station.

Here are a couple of closeups:

I haven't decided yet what photo I'll working on next.  Maybe by the end of the day....

Monday, January 02, 2017

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine - Spring 2017 - Sneak Peek!!!

Every year, once the holidays are behind us, my mind immediately turns to thoughts of Spring.  Sorry, I'm just not a Winter person!

I'm thinking now of warmer weather, flowers, shamrocks and Robins.  Oh, the beautiful Robins!  Last year, I saw my 1st Robin of Spring at the end of January.  I'm praying that they come back the same time this year!!!

Speaking of Robins, I thought for today, I would share a sneak peek of the Spring 2017 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine:

Yes, our cover artist for the Spring 2017 issue is the one and only, crazy quilter extraordinaire, Allison Aller!  Thank you Allie for this beautiful cover design!!!

This issue will be released on February 1, 2017!

In other news, I'll be starting on the Summer issue shortly.  I'm still looking for articles, tutorials and eye candy photos of buttons, button clusters and unique uses for buttons.  If you have anything you would like me to include the in the upcoming "button issue", please email me.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Scotts Cancer Treatment

Happy New Year everyone! Round 3 of Chemo was started on Friday. The tumor is responding very well to the chemo. But each time is a little harder for Scott to get through. I'll keep you posted as we progress through this round.

In the meantime, thank you so much for your kindness and generosity. I don't mean to keep whining but we still need a lot of help. I can't pay the regular bills on my income much less the outrageous medical bills. And now we start from scratch again with a huge deductible.

If you can pass the link to our Go Fund Me site around the internet, I would be so grateful. I'm working as much as I can without driving myself crazy but I can only work so much.

Thank you again everyone and Happy New Year!

Scotts Cancer Treatment Fund

For anyone that prefers Paypal, there is a Paypal Donate button in the sidebar here on my blog.


McHenry Illinois Historical Crazy Quilt Block #5

I'm moving right along on my McHenry Illinois Crazy Quilt.  If you're new to my blog, I started this project to take my mind off of worrying about my husband who's being treated for cancer.  And for worrying about how I'm going to pay all the bills on my income.

This is block #5:

The building is the North Western Hotel.  It was built in 1901 and sits right next to the Train Depot. 

Here's a screenshot of it now.  I grabbed this off of Google Earth.  In was in the process of being repainted:

It's called, "Apartments" now but it's really public housing.  At least it's well kept and maintained in it's original era style.

I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes I wish I could go back in time for just a day and walk around my little town and see what it was like back then.   Thankfully we have old photos!

Here's a couple of close up photos of the stitching:

I have some more stitching to do on this and then I'll post another photo.

McHenry Crazy Quilt Block 4 Complete

I finished up Block #4 of my McHenry Illinois Crazy Quilt the other day:

Since I couldn't find the exact year that this house was built, I simply embroidered "1860's" on the block.

The "AH" stands for Alexander Hamilton and then his last name is at the bottom of the block.

There will be several more blocks devoted to this early McHenry settler.   But for now, I've moved on to Block #5.

Never Ending Sampler - Panel 1 Band 13

Happy New Year everyone!

Here is Band #13 of the Never Ending Sampler:

And here is the band all by itself:

Simple cross stitches, straight stitches and either french knots or seed beads.

Here is the overlap with Band #12: