
Monday, December 19, 2016

Update On Scott

Just a quick update for today everyone. It's been a really rough weekend for Scott. He's been so sick. He hasn't been able to eat solid food in 3 days but we're going to try some rice and some applesauce today. I just made him some iced tea (he's not big on hot tea). He's going to try to take a quick shower this afternoon. I told him that would make him feel better. He just doesn't have much energy.

The side effects of the chemo should start to lighten up now. I think tomorrow will be better. I'll keep ya'll posted on his progress.

Thank you again for your support, your kindness and your generosity!! 

Love to all,



  1. I had cancer and had many chemo and all the things that go with it. Every thing I tried to eat or drink tasted metal mixed in everything.I was very sick at times, couldn't eat, but I had a friend who saved my life. She told me about honey dew melon and cherrios? Trust me, I never liked honey dew, but it was the only thing I could eat!!! It was like tasting heaven! I lived on it. My husband brought one home everyday and cut it up and put it sealed containers Then I would snack with cheerios...not the sugar kind...just plain old cheerios. It was like eating popcorn! Hope this helps just a little. The way chemo was with me, I had treatment every three weeks and lasted 8 hours! I could count on day three to hit me up so badly and this would last a week, slowly over the next two weeks I'd get better and then bam...chemo again. I had 10 of these all together...can't believe I made it! I'm cancer free and I look good! I had cancer in my spine and it was a painful time, but worth the outcome! I have read your emails and said some prayers for the two of you. I know this is ruff getting through, but have him sleep,as much as really helps. I could even listen to music or tv, read, do anything, just sleep. I hope this helps a little, Dolly Webb

  2. Dolly, I'm so glad to hear that your cancer free!!! And thank you so much for the suggestion. Yes, day 3 seems to be when it hits him the hardest. He's doing better today now. Round 3 starts on the 30th. I hate to see him have to go through this again but hopefully, it's last time. Radiation will start after he finishes the chemo. I did buy him Cheerios and he has been snacking on them a little bit. And I have Honeydew melon here so I'll see if I can get him to eat some of that. Thank you very much for your kindness and your suggestions!


  3. Pat Morrison11:29 AM

    Much love to you as you support your loved one through cancer. I lost one of my children 3 years ago to breast cancer and I understand the challenges. May you feel the light of love penetrate all the hard times.
    I see you keep working, very wise.
    Take good care of yourself and thanks for always sharing.

  4. Pat, thank you so much for your kindness. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my aunt to breast cancer last year.

    Yes, I keep working, I keep cleaning, I keep stitching. I know that staying as close to my routine as possible is helpful and important.

    Thank you so much!



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