
Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Scott's Cancer Treatment Update

Hi everyone, Scott is doing good. His strength is back which is good because the 2nd 5 day round of chemo starts on Friday. His appetite is good and I keep giving him Ensure for all the protein and vitamins that it has. He's working now through Thursday and then he'll be home again for 10 - 14 days. I'll keep the updates coming.

If you can share this on your blogs, facebook walls and other social media sites, I would be so grateful. We need all the help we can get.

And please keep praying that he continues to do well with this. Thank you so much for your support everyone!

Love and Hugs, Pam

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1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you today, Pam. Some varieties of Ensure are full of sugar, and sugar feeds cancer. It should be eliminated. There are healthier alternatives to Ensure that might be worth a look at. Check out website to learn lots you can do that will support him.


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