
Monday, November 14, 2016

Go Fund Me for Scott's Cancer Treatment

My dear blog friends, my husband Scott was recently diagnosed with cancer.  It's treatable and has an 85% curable success rate.  I'm sure he'll be fine.  He's very resilient and has a good attitude.

Unfortunately, due a surgery that he had back in December of 2015, we are out of money.  We're still paying on that bill. 

It pains me to have to swallow my pride and ask for help.  Financial assistance is very difficult to ask for.  But dealing with cancer and chemo/radiation treatment is difficult to deal with too.  It's very sad that anyone going though that should have to worry about their financial situation at the same time.

The process expected to take about 3 months.  Hopefully, that's all it will be.  And Scott plans to try to work through this if he can but being an auto mechanic, he may be limited.  I don't know.

I just hate asking for charity but if anyone can help us so we don't have to worry about paying our regular bills as well as medical expenses, lost pay and travel expenses, I would  be so grateful.

Please visit our Go Fund Me page for more information.

I will be back with more needlework talk soon.

Love to all, Pam

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pamela, I came over from Mary Anne at Magpie's mumblings. I wish your husband a speedy recovery. Keep up your strength and positive attitude too!


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