
Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Thank You Note From Mom

Mom asked me to post a message to everyone who sent their best wishes to her.  She's very grateful for your kindness and prayers.

A trainer from Leader Dogs For The Blind came out today and is working with mom and Cassie.  Hopefully they will both get their confidence back.

Leader Dogs For The Blind is a wonderful organization.  Please visit their website to learn more about how they help the blind and visually impaired.

The photo above is of Honey B.  She is mom's first seeing eye dog.  She's retired now but she too came from Leader Dogs.  And yes, she is still with mom!


  1. So glad to hear that there is a trainer working with your Mom and Cassie. Fingers are crossed for a good outcome.

  2. I am just getting caught up on my blog reading. I am so sorry to read about your mother's and Cassie's horrible ordeal. I am glad they are both fine now. I hope they will both be able to recover from the trauma of it all. Hugs to both of them.


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