
Sunday, May 03, 2015

Thank You To My Sponsors!

Whenever I release a new publication, I like to take the time to say thank you to my sponsors by including their Ads and a link to their shops here on my blog.  These ladies have Ads in the Summer issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Please take a moment to visit their websites:

Crazy Quilt "Sit & Stitch" Retreat
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
August 20, 2015 - Auguest 23, 2015
$365.00 for 3 nights and all meals.
Beginner Crazy Quilt Class offered free and taught by Lisa Boni.
Send PayPal payment to: - Note CQ Retreat.
For More Information, contact Elizabeth Rudder at


  1. Yes, thank you to the sponsors! They help make the magazine what it is.

  2. Thank you! I'll check out their sites...


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