
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ready To Sew

I finished this block up this morning:

I haven't felt like putting anything together so I guess I'll have a quite the pile of blocks to sew up when I do!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Updates On Crazy Quilt Blocks

Stitching away here!  This block is finished and ready to sew together:

And this morning, I started on this block:

I'm off to stitch!

Community "Classified" Ads

Community "Classified" Ads are now available in Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine. $12.00 for 30 words or less (no photos). Advertise your Etsy shop, blog, stash for sale, anything you like. If you're interested, please email me. Ads will be in Autumn issue. Release date: August 1st. Thank you!

Monday, May 18, 2015

More Pillows

Okay, I don't know why I'm making pillows and not other things but I finished this one up the other day:

And then I started on this one:

I suppose they could purses instead of pillows.  What's your vote?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Finished Pillow

Just a quick little update.  I finished up the Crazy Quilt Bird Pillow:

This one is spoken for but there will be more.  I sewed up 2 new blocks today!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2 More Pillows

I've been working on pillows lately but I want to wrap them up and move on to some more purses.

This one is ready to sew together:

This one is spoken for so I'm going to get it sewn together this afternoon and I'll post another photo of it in it's finished form tomorrow.

This is the pillow that I'm working on now:

The center of this design is from a vintage hankie.  I love using them in my crazy quilt projects.  There's still some do-dads to be added to this piece.

I need to sew up some more blocks as well.  I used to have a huge stash of pre-sewn blocks but I've pretty much stitched all of them up.  I printed up a sheet of vintage images so I have some new pictures to use.

Lots of pretties to come!

Thursday, May 07, 2015

New Pillows, Purses and Door Hangers! Oh My!

I've finally finished up all of my projects!  And Mom has been working away too!  Here's an update on our finishes.  First, I finished up 4 new Crazy Quilt Pillows:

And here are the most recent Crazy Quilt Purses that I made:

And them made this pretty Summer Watermelon Door Hanger:

And these sweet little Porcelain Doll ornaments:

I finished stitching up another pillow project but I'll save that photo for next time!

Everything is available now in my Etsy shop!

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine

I needed to leave myself time to put the 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar together so I'm working a bit early on the Autumn issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.

I thought for today I would share the the Table Of Contents with you from the Summer issue:

I also thought I would share a project that I had to pull from the Summer issue because I couldn't squeeze anymore in:

I made this summer Seascape purse a few years back and it was perfect for the theme of the Summer issue but with so much wonderful content from contributors, I decided I'd share this here on my blog instead.

I was wondering if I could ask of you a favor.  The success of this magazine depends greatly on contributions from readers and getting the word out that the magazine is available.  If you're reading this, would you please consider posting about it on your blogs and Facebook pages?  Mary Anne Richardson, Cathy Kizerian, Kathy Shaw and I work very hard to pull this magazine together.  The more the news spreads about the magazine, the more successful it will become and that will make it better and better!  Here is the cover photo.  Just right click on it and save it to your hard drive then you can upload it to your blog post:

And this is the link to order it:

Just right click on the link, "copy link location" and paste it into your blog post.

Thank you to everyone who is willing to post about and help promote it!

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Thank You To My Sponsors!

Whenever I release a new publication, I like to take the time to say thank you to my sponsors by including their Ads and a link to their shops here on my blog.  These ladies have Ads in the Summer issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Please take a moment to visit their websites:

Crazy Quilt "Sit & Stitch" Retreat
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
August 20, 2015 - Auguest 23, 2015
$365.00 for 3 nights and all meals.
Beginner Crazy Quilt Class offered free and taught by Lisa Boni.
Send PayPal payment to: - Note CQ Retreat.
For More Information, contact Elizabeth Rudder at