
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kitty Stitching

Well, throughout my #Dell disaster, I did manage to get some stitching done.  I worked up 4 little kitty door hangers:

I want to try to sew these up later this week.  I also started on a pillow:

At the moment, it's a little tough trying to find time to stitch.  We did get the tree up.  Scott put it up last night and I decorated it this morning.  Scott went up town yesterday afternoon and bought the tree.  He got it all set up and I went to look for our lights but I couldn't find them.  Then we remembered that we tossed them because a string had gone out.  Anyway, so up to Home Depot we went last night.  But that's done.  Now it's just a matter of keeping the cats out of it!

At the moment, I'm in the process of baking 6 double batches of cookies.  I've been baking since 11:30 and it's 4:00 now.  I mixed the dough yesterday (thank goodness for my Kitchenaid Mixer!), put it in the fridge and I've been baking it all afternoon.

I guess I'm just trying to get some of these Christmas things done.  I know it's supposed to be fun but it feels never ending.  I guess I'd always rather be stitching!

I got an email from #dell saying that they received my returns.  I'd better have my refund back soon.  If I have to call them again, I will scream so loud, the earth will move!  I still can't believe what a fiasco that was.  I ordered from them on November 10th.  Today is December 14th.  Thanks to their incompetence, I'm still working from my laptop.  Thank goodness I have it!  The Geek Squad man comes on Wednesday.  First thing in the morning.  So hopefully, by noon, I'll be parked behind my desk and enjoying my new Asus system. 

Okay, I have to go pull another pan of cookies!


  1. It seems as though your ire with #Dell has been good for your stitching. Love the pillow you are creating. If they have received your return, a check should be in the mail....
    We will be keeping our fingers crossed your #Asus computer is what you have dreamed of!

  2. Love all those little kitty blocks! What are you going to do with them? You are ambitious to do all that baking; I only eat the results, so I quit doing much baking when the kids left home.


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