
Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone is enjoying a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.  I don't really see this day as one to celebrate but instead, I prefer to see it as a day to be thankful for our military.  To remember the many men and women who serve our country and those who have lost their lives in service to our country.  Forget the politicians and the government.  It's the Armed Forces who protect our country.  It's the Armed Forces who represent our country.  And it's the Armed Forces that we should give our gratitude and respect to.  And to the men and women of our Armed Forces, thank you!

I have a couple if things to share today.  First, I finished stitching up my blue clutch purse:

Notice the dragonfly that I made from a pair of vintage clip-on earrings!  I'll have to get in a sewing day soon to do the finishing.

I also started on a couple of crazy quilt hearts.  This is the first one:

I pieced 4 of these so I'll stitch them up before moving on to more purses.

Again everyone, have a safe Memorial Day and if you know a soldier in our military, please take a moment to say a little prayer of gratitude for him or her.  And even if you don't know a soldier personally, please take a moment to be grateful for all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to what you said about the military - they certainly do deserve our thanks. Enjoy your weekend.


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