
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Crazy Quilt Hearts

The other day, I started stitching on a few Crazy Quilt Hearts.  This is the first one:

This one is done and ready to sew together.  And this is the next one:

I just started on this one earlier today.  There will be 4 all together.  But before I can get back to stitching, I have to change my hummingbird feeders, fold a load of laundry and wash up a few dishes.  Chores!!!  I'd rather be stitching!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

I hope everyone is enjoying a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.  I don't really see this day as one to celebrate but instead, I prefer to see it as a day to be thankful for our military.  To remember the many men and women who serve our country and those who have lost their lives in service to our country.  Forget the politicians and the government.  It's the Armed Forces who protect our country.  It's the Armed Forces who represent our country.  And it's the Armed Forces that we should give our gratitude and respect to.  And to the men and women of our Armed Forces, thank you!

I have a couple if things to share today.  First, I finished stitching up my blue clutch purse:

Notice the dragonfly that I made from a pair of vintage clip-on earrings!  I'll have to get in a sewing day soon to do the finishing.

I also started on a couple of crazy quilt hearts.  This is the first one:

I pieced 4 of these so I'll stitch them up before moving on to more purses.

Again everyone, have a safe Memorial Day and if you know a soldier in our military, please take a moment to say a little prayer of gratitude for him or her.  And even if you don't know a soldier personally, please take a moment to be grateful for all of them.

Friday, May 23, 2014

2015 Crazy Quilt Calendar Sneak Peek

I thought you'd all enjoy a sneak peek of the cover design for the 2015 Crazy Quilt Calendar:

This is the cover block:

Yes, this one is mine!  There are 12 lovely crazy quilters contributing blocks for each month.  As soon as I have all the blocks in, I'll announce the wonderful artists who kindly and lovingly agreed to contribute to this project.

For now, this is the Calendar Cover:

And be sure to look for my ad in the Summer issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Blue Clutch Purse

Just a quick little update on my current project:

I expect to finish this up in the next day or so.  Then I'll sew up my last couple of projects next week.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine Summer Issue

The Summer issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine is now available!!!!

It's an absolutely gorgeous issue!!!!  Order it from Magcloud.

I've been stitching on some clutch purses.  This one is all stitched and ready to sew together:

And this is the one I'm stitching on now:

When I get this one finished, I'll put them both together.  And then maybe I'll start on a few Fall projects.  I know, it seems so early but I like the cheery colors of Fall and I do like to plan ahead!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

New Door Hanging Pillow from Mom!

Today, I have a few new door hanging pillows that Mom made:

I love the pink one with the kitties!  But you probably already knew that!

I've been working on some clutch purses.  I have one all stitched and another one started.  I have photos of those tomorrow.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Watermelon Purse

Boy, did I feel like I was in slow motion on my Crazy Quilt Watermelon Purse!  But it's only because I have a bunch of different things that I'm doing.  Being all over the map is something I'm very good at!  LOL!!!  Anyway, here it is, the finished purse:

This is over in my Etsy shop.  I won't be doing anymore of these.  It was just a cool idea that I had to try and it was fun but I'm ready to get back to more traditional pieces.

Scott just started the grill.  We're cooking brats and burgers so I have to cut up some salad and yes, some watermelon!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Advertising Space Available

I have 6 more advertisement spaces available in the 2015 Crazy Quilt Calendar which will be released on September 1, 2014. 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Just A Quick Post Today

Another cloudy, dreary day here.  Perfect for curling up on the sofa and stitching.  Before I do that, I thought I give you an update on my current project:

I worked all of the seam embroidery with Kreinik threads.

I also thought I would share a couple of new Hanging Pillows that mom made:

I guess that's all I have for today ladies!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Watermelon Purse 2 Is Complete

It was a busy weekend but I did finish stitching up my 2nd Watermelon Purse and I crocheted the trim for the outside:

I'd like to get these sewn up this week.  They're perfect for Summer!

I started on a little Clutch Purse this morning:

It's kind of drizzly today so I'll get back to stitching on this when I finish up on the computer.  I'd like to go do some work outside in the yard but not in the rain.  My Bleeding Heart is beautiful this year:

My neighbor planted this for me a few years back after I lost the one I originally bought when we bought our house.  I have the sweetest neighbors.  And this one is even more beautiful than the one I bought!

I wanted to answer a question that Arlene left for me regarding Crazy Quilts in quilt shows.  Arlene was wondering if I have ever entered any of my quilts and the answer is no, I haven't.  My personal opinion, like Arlene's, is that Crazy Quilts generally are not given much respect.  They're put in the category of miscellaneous quilts.  I'm not sure anyone even knows what to base judgement on.  I don't think criteria for judging a crazy quilt has even been put together.  Art is subjective so how can it be judged other than on perfection in finishing and neatness of stitching and applying embellishments?  It's difficult to compare one to another.  So no, I haven't entered any of my Crazy Quilts in show competitions and I probably won't.

For me, Crazy Quilting is for my enjoyment and the enjoyment of anyone else who sees them or receives a piece as a gift from me.  Honestly, I think us crazy quilters are in a league of our own and that's okay!!!

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Indigo Buntings

 INDIGO by © Pamela Kellogg

It was but once my eyes beheld a passing glimpse of you;
But never did my mind forget your stunning shade of blue!

This is a cross stitch piece that I designed years and years ago.  I think for Zweigart.  No, it's no longer available but I was reminded of it yesterday when I was out on my front porch and 2 Indigo Buntings flew past me and landed in my neighbors bushes.

I love these beautiful little blue birds.  The blue is so intense, you would think it would come off on your hands if you could touch one!

The orioles are already eating oranges faster than I can put them out there and my little hummingbird feeder is hopping.

Spring is such a beautiful season!

I have a quick little update for you on my 2nd Watermelon Purse:

I have a few more little do-dads to add to this and then the black "watermelon seeds".  I'm going out to my deck for a little while and then I'll finish this up.  I may even get the crocheted edging done tonight too!

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Watermelon Purse 2

I was stitching this morning and I heard a familiar bird sound.  It's been awhile since I've heard it but I knew right away what it was.  It was the beautiful Baltimore Oriole!  I put oranges out the other day because I knew they would be back anytime now and sure enough, there he was sitting on the orange.  I wish I had been able to photograph him.  They're so beautiful!  A little while later, I saw the female.

Then, a little while ago, I went out on the front porch for some fresh air and guess what was sitting on the Hummingbird feeder?  Okay, that's a no brainer.  The hummingbirds are back too.  I had a beautiful little male out there getting a drink.

These are nature's jewels.  The little things that many people probably wouldn't notice but for me, they're treasure.  I love to sit out on my deck or front porch and watch the birds and the critters.  I of course feed them all.  I can't help it.  The little squirrels and chipmunks are so much fun to watch and they watch me too!  They sit and wait for me to put bread or crackers out for them.  And the hummingbirds are really funny.  They must know that I'm one who feeds them because they don't like it when my husband is out there near the feeder yet they tolerate me.  If Scott goes out there, they buzz him and dive bomb him but if I'm out there, they couldn't care less.

It's amazing to notice nature but it's even more amazing when nature notices us!

I've been stitching on my 2nd Watermelon purse:

I've finished up my chores for today, both inside and outside, so I'll be turning the computer off and stitching the rest of the day.

I also updated the Call For Submissions page with a good article on taking great photos.  I added some other things too.  I'm really trying to help everyone feel comfortable submitting work for the magazine and other publications.  If anyone has ideas or suggestions, drop me note.  I really am open to ideas!

Monday, May 05, 2014

Working In The Yard

We finally had a nice weekend so I was able to get out in the yard and finish cleaning it up.  I picked up sticks, pinecones and trash that blew in over the Winter months.  I pulled the first of the weeds, swept the sidewalk and am waiting now for Bubba to clean and reseal the deck.  It really feels good to get outside!

I have a few finishes to share today before I get back to stitching on my 2nd Watermelon purse.  First is this door hanger that I made for my aunt for Mother's Day.  I don't think she reads my blog:

And then I have a friend who needs a hug.  Seems there's a lot of people who need hugs these days.  I made her this little cat doll:

I'll pack up this cat tomorrow so I can get it to the Post Office next time I go into town.  I don't think I've ever done one in black with yellow stitch before.  I love the contrast!

I'm also working on putting together some good links on "How To Take Good Photos".  I thought it might be helpful to anyone who wants to submit work to Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine or other upcoming publications.  I learned lot from reading articles at Etsy so when I have a few free minutes, I'll post those links.

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Kitty and Me News Brief

Call for submissions!!!  Pat Winter is working on the Summer 2014 issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine.  She still has room for articles, tutorials and eye candy!  If you would like to submit your projects to Pat, you can send them to her email address.

In other news, I had the honor of being asked for an interview by Linda Pruitt of Abigail's Attic blog.  It's a wonderful blog post and it was a pleasure to answers Linda's questions.  Thank you Linda!!!!

For today's stitching photo, I've started on my 2nd Watermelon Purse:

I'm going to take a break for a couple of hours and stitch up one of my little cat dolls for a gift and then I'll get back to this.

Finally, I've updated my Call For Submissions page at the top of my blog.  I've added a few more ideas and suggestions.  I've also added this list of needlework techniques that can be applied to Crazy Quilting:

  • Blackwork
  • Redwork
  • Felt
  • Crayon Tinting
  • Crochet
  • Tatting
  • Vintage Lace
  • Vintage Hankies
  • Beading & Beadwork
  • Tambour Work
  • Vintage Jewelry
  • Angitque Motifs
  • Digital Images
  • Vintage Cards
  • Vintage Photos
  • Stumpwork
  • Brazil Work
  • Silk Ribbon
  • Vintage Embroidery Patterns
  • Counted Cross Stitch
  • Trapunto
  • Fancy Yarn
  • Chicken Scratch (aka Snowflaking)
  • Gingham
  • Yo Yo's
  • Smocking
  • Shibori Ribbon
  • Polymer Clay
  • Goldwork
  • Whitework
If you're looking for some ideas for tutorials and techniques that you can share in Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine, perhaps one of these techniques will inspire you!  I will post more inspiring ideas soon!

Thursday, May 01, 2014

New Baby Door Hangers by Mom

I've been preparing things for when I take over Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine.  I think I mentioned already that I will be buying a new computer later this Summer.  In the meantime, I just had my DSL switched over to AT&T U-Verse and wow!  Today is the first day in months and months that my blog didn't lock my little old computer up while it was loading!  This has been a really good machine for me for many years but I know it won't handle the large files that I'll be working with so it's time to upgrade.

I admit, technology gets on my nerves sometimes.  Imagine how much money we would all have if we didn't need all this electronic stuff!  Upgrade this, update that, download this, install that.  We'd have a lot more free time too.  Honestly, I enjoy the opportunities that I have available thanks to today's technology.  I just wish they would slow it all down a little bit.  You know, just leave it alone for awhile.  A long while!

I have a little old fashioned, "plug it in telephone" that we bought when Scott and I got married 25 + years ago. It doesn't need electricity to work and it still works after all these years.  Do you know how many cellphones I've been through in that same amount of time?  I am on my 5th cellphone!  Give me a break!

Oh well, enough ranting and raving.  Truthfully, you wouldn't want to be in the same room with me if my electricity goes out!  Ha, ha, ha!!!!

Today I have some new things that Mom made.  She's been working on some pretty little baby door hangers:

And this is a little custom order Cat Doll that I made:

I guess that's my news for today!  Be sure to start thinking about Crazy Quilt Hearts for an upcoming publication!