
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring One Day, Winter The Next

We were supposed to have a high of 37 today but it's only made it to 27.  Tomorrow they're calling for 54 degrees.  We'll see if that happens!  I did see a Robin today!!!  He was sitting in the tree across the street.  More and more will come now.  I hope!  No snow in our forecast for the next week and I'm okay with that!

I have a quick update on my Seashell Purse:

I'm trying to get my chores done so I can go work on this some more.  I love the colors!

1 comment:

  1. 27? 54? You have to be kidding, right? We're going into more snow and possibly freezing rain overnight. No robins are foolish enough to head in our direction!


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