
Monday, March 31, 2014

I Think It's Spring!

I think it's about 60 degrees outside but quite windy.  Most of the snow that accumulated over the Winter is gone.  The Robins sing like crazy in the morning and I noticed yesterday that I have tulips starting to peek out the ground.  I think it's Spring!  At least for today!!!

And speaking of Spring, I thought I'd share this pretty Easter Bunny Hanging Decoration that Mom made from a vintage quilt:

Mom hand appliqued that little bunny on!  Excellent work for someone with limited vision!

I've been stitching on my yellow Crazy Quilt block and have an update photo today:

The seam treatments are all from my Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatment books.  I have one more seam to stitch and then I can add beads and sequins!

1 comment:

  1. 60 degrees? Really? We're all excited because we actually managed to get above zero the past couple of days. The river has opened up though and the geese and ducks are slowly returning.


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