
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Free Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments

I started stitching on my latest purse project this morning.  Well, I have the lace and trim sewn on and one border stitched:

While looking through my 3 volumes of Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments, I was thinking it might be fun to create a few new charted borders.  The possibilities are endless really.  But I have no desire to do another volume of borders so I charted out a few designs and thought I would just offer them here for everyone to enjoy:

If you right click on the image, you can save this to your hard drive.  Then open the file in whatever graphic software you use and print it from there.

I think I just wanted a few new borders to play with even though many times, I make them up as I stitch.  Anyway, these are free for you to use on your crazy quilts!  I've been using 10 count waste canvas on my projects which gives me more delicate stitches.  3 strands of embroidery floss looks very nice but any thread works fine.

In other news, I've been thinking about my upcoming role as owner and publisher of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine and I've been thinking that it's time for a few new things.  A fresh start so to speak. 

It's really time to update to a new computer system.  I'll need a new one for the larger files that I'll be working with.  This one is quite outdated with Win XP but thankfully, it still works.  I designed many, many counted cross stitch patterns on this machine but as many of you know, I retired from designing cross stitch a few years back.  It was a great experience but Crazy Quilting is truly my passion.

So to set myself up for my new and exciting endeavor, I plan to buy a new system later this Summer.  And to go with my new computer, it's time to repaint and redecorate my little 9 X 9 foot room!  I want to get a white corner desk instead of the one I have now that takes up an entire wall.  I'm thinking if I plan and organize right, I might be able to make myself a little corner for a comfy chair where I can sit with some tea and stitch.  Usually I stitch in the living room and that's fine but on occasion, (every Sunday) my husband likes to watch Nascar and football.  Now Nascar is okay with me.  The only thing I don't like about it is the noise.  But football.....I hate it!  What an obnoxious game!  And I'm not one of those "anti-sports" women.  I personally love Baseball!  (Counting the days till the Cubs opening game).  But honestly, I like peace and quiet.  In fact, I don't even need the sound on to know what's going on with a baseball game.  Why do men need so much noise? 

Anyway, I'm thinking it would be nice for me to have a little stitching corner in here.  And now I will ask you all for your guesses.  What color do ya'll think I plan to paint my room?  Come on, I know someone out there already knows!  This is an easy one!  LOL!!!!

Okay, before I ramble on any longer, I'm going to share a couple of new Easter Door Hangers that mom made:

Arent' they pretty?  I just love Easter!  Well, anything soft, pastel and springy!!!!

Okay, I'm off to stitch!  Enjoy those patterns everyone!


  1. Hmmmm....let me LOL!!! Thank you for the new seam treatments to play with (you know I will!!).

  2. I'm going to guess pink.
    Funny how we all like different sports. I love foot ball and baseball as long as its the Cubs. Born in Chicago and I follow ALL my teams except (cough, cough, cough) the White whatchmacallems.

    I broke down and bought a new computer. We have an XP that my husband uses to play off line games..but you better buy before the end of summer. In April Microsoft will no longer support XP so you will be vulnerable to virus attacks even if you have security software.

    I used Win 8 at work and it was OK, but I read that Micro Soft sales have been really bad for 8 and they will try something else that will come out in 2015. So, I opted for Win 7. Anyway, its all in a box waiting for me to switch out my Vista for 7 and gift Vista to my grandson. All I need is quiet and peace to concentrate on setting it up. Now THERE is a challenge.
    xx, Carol

  3. Your room will be pink of course. I WON! (LOL) Your version of football isn't the same as Aussie Rules, but I hate ours too. Luckily Ken isn't interested in it either, but he follows motorcycle racing and it is LOUD. It's just a man thing Pam, we have to put up with these things sometimes!
    I just got an email from Microsoft about the demise of XP and I am furious. I really love XP; Ken has got Windows 7 and he hates it. I've watched him struggle to use his computer sometimes and vow I'll never switch over to it. Looks like you and I won't have a choice soon...

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Thank you for sharing your stitch designs, Pam; you're so generous!

    I think you should paint your 9x9 room pink so the new white corner desk doesn't get lost along a white wall. LOL!

    Cris in MT

  5. Congratulations on your new role. I am looking forward to it also. This magazine has been a favorite of mine. I cannot wait to see what you have planned for it. Also great plan to renew your space. Enjoy your new PINK room.

    Kathy aka The Mad Stitcher


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