
Friday, January 24, 2014

Inspired By Pat Winter

I have always loved the work of Pat Winter.  I discovered her work years ago on Art-E-Zine.  Once she started blogging, I followed her religiously and still do to this day.  Pat's delicate embroidered crazy quilting, in soft Victorian hues can calm and quiet the busiest of minds!

I was quite taken with Pat's Embellished Brooches.  Beautiful Victorian images surrounded by needle felting, silk ribbon embroidery, beads, sequins and charms.  Here is an example of Pat's work:

Is this stunning or what?!!!!  Now I've been making needle felted heart brooches for a few years but Pat's pretty ones kept showing up on Pinterest and I finally asked her if she minded if I made a few for my shop.  Now I have to tell you, in case you've never talked to her, Pat is absolutely delightful!  She is sweet as can be and quite generously told me that she didn't mind at all.  I truly felt that I had to ask her because I know she sells some of her handmade pieces in her Gatherings Etsy Shop.  I believe in being respectful and I didn't want to take away from her sales.  I just felt that it was proper etiquette to ask her first.

So, here are my newest embellished needle felted art brooches worked in the beautiful and elegant style of Pat Winter:

I really enjoy making the little heart brooches but I have to tell you, I love making these even more!  And I am planning on doing a few more but I need to do some crazy quilting first.  Thank you so much Pat! 

If anyone is interested in making some of these, Pat offers a tutorial in her shop:

You can find the Instant Download for Felting And Embellishing A Brooch here.

And speaking of crazy quilting, I spent all day yesterday running my treadle sewing machine.  I'm sure I put a good couple of miles on it!  I sewed up a ton of purses, a pillow and a door hanger.  So have loads of new things in the works.

Finally, on a sad note, my mom lost her beloved Chooch this morning:

Chooch was the most wonderful and gorgeous black lab.  In her earlier years, she was a therapy dog.  Mom would take her to the local retirement center and she would visit with the residents there.  Chooch was awesome at that!  My mom gave her a wonderful life and she lived to be over 14 years old.  I will miss her terribly.


  1. Oh Pam - I'm so sorry about Chooch. Please tell your Mom how badly I feel for her. I'm sure the residents at the retirement home will miss her tremendously too.

  2. Nice work, Pam. Please tell your mom that I'm sorry to hear about Cooch. Give her a hug, too, please.

  3. Ugh ~ I'm so sorry about your Mom's dog. The price we must pay for letting these precious baby's in our heart but in the end but I can't imagine life without them.
    I'm totally hooked on the felted pins too! They are such a joy to make and so freeing because its like you are painting with wool and silk! I love the hanging beads ~ great idea! Pat sure is a sweetheart, your right about that! I am starting a felted bible cover today for my granddaughter. I'll post pics if it turns out!


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