
Monday, December 09, 2013

Winter Song

Summer joys are o're;
Flowerets bloom no more,
Wintery winds are sweeping;
Through the snow-drifts peeping,
Cheerful evergreen
Rarely now is seen.

Now no plumed throng
Charms the wood with song;
Ice-bound trees are glittering:
Merry snow-birds, twittering,
Fondly strive to cheer
Scenes so cold and drear.

Winter, still I see
Many charms in thee,--
Love they chilly greeting,
Snow-storms fiercely beating,
And the dear delights
Of the long, long nights.

Ludwig Holty

This beautiful poem is called Winter Song.  It's a favorite of mine.  Not because I'm a big fan of Winter, as most of you know.  But because I can see past the inconvenience of it, at least in the beginning and see the beauty that does exist in it.  Trust me, by January, I'll be in full-time complaint mode!  LOL!!!

We had about 4 inches of snow yesterday and it was very pretty while it was snowing.  Scott took me to the flea market in Grayslake, Illinois but unfortunately, I didn't find a single thing to buy for my collection of crazy quilting supplies.  Still, it was nice to walk around and look at all the vintage pretties.  They were playing Christmas music and the vendors there are just so nice and friendly.  I saw several old crazy quilts but I confess, I do think our modern crazy quilting is much prettier!

We drove back in the snow, good thing we took our truck and not my new car!  I never shared a picture of my new car, did I?  I'll have to snap a few and post one.  It's a little silver Ford Fusion.  I've been wanting a Fusion for awhile now.  And it certainly helps that Scott works for a Ford dealership!

Anyway, I'm rambling now.  I spent my morning doing some cleaning.  My living room windows needed a good washing on the inside.  Well, the outside needs it too but that's Scott's job and now that it's Winter, I guess it'll have to wait until Spring.  I washed my lace valences and rehung them and then I put out a few little Christmas things.

We decided against a real tree this year because of the kittens.  We're both afraid that 2 little baby kitties will have themselves a good time with it and drive mommy crazy!  And mommy doesn't need any help!  LOL!!!  So I put out this tiny little 2 foot tree that I've had since I was in High School.  I decorated it (permanently) a few years ago so it was just a matter of getting it from the upstairs closet and putting it on the table.  Then I added a few of the little Glitter Houses that mom and I made a few years ago.  I think it looks pretty and hopefully, my 2 little partners in crime won't mess with it!

In other news, here's an update on my current Crazy Quilt project:

I'm going to and mix a couple batches of cookies now.  I'll put the dough in the fridge and bake them tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely block with all that pink lacey bit...hugs, Julierose


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