
Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Guess The Theme

I started another Crazy Quilt purse project yesterday.  This one is a Christmas gift:

Would anyone like to take a guess as to what the theme will be on this one?  Leave a comment for me and stay tuned!

I have a few new cute cat photos to share today too.  First is Wrigley:

Just look at that tail!  It's 14 1/2 inches long!  He walks around with his tail dangling over his head.  I feel like I want to tie a bow on it!  LOL!!!

And here's Cotton with his little Halloween Beanie Baby:

I had a few of my little Halloween Beanie Babies out but Cotton kept stealing them.  The other night, I was laying on the bed watching TV and he hopped up on the bed and dropped one in my face!  I actually had to put my little beanies away and I went out and bought him one of his own.  Now, he carries that little orange bear around all day long!


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    My guess as to theme: Pansies

    So glad you bought Cotton a beanie of his own!

    Cris in MT

  2. Theme?Summer?
    Wrigleys' tail is amazing!
    Aaw, Cotton!

    Sandie xxx

  3. Anonymous12:50 PM

    The flowers look like pansies. Very sweet.


  4. Purple flowers? I know! - purple rain!! Actually I have NO clue and will be happy to be surprised. And a kitty with the teddy - how cute is that!!

  5. OH! Aren't they cute! Wrigley's tail certainly is one to be proud of. Our first cat had a lovely bushy tail which he waved around like a plume. I'm sure he knew how gorgeous he looked!
    Cotton and her toys reminds me of our Tiger. When he was a kitten somebody gave me a bag of little sparkling coloured balls about the size of a marble. He's got a little cubby house full of toys that we've given him since then but all he ever plays with now are those little sparkling balls. We find them in our bed, in our shoes, under chairs, you name it!

  6. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I think the thema is PANSY.
    Greetings Maria from the Netherlands


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