
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crazy Quilt Christmas Tree Ornaments

Okay, now that I've settled down from laughing over my sister's Halloween costume, I thought I'd share a couple of the Crazy Quilt Christmas Tree Ornaments that I made last week:

I wish had sewn up more of these little heart ornaments.  They were really fun to make!  Maybe I'll do some for Valentine's Day.

Is anyone else having trouble getting their photos to post on Blogger?  I could not get these to post no matter how many times I tried.  I finally had to link the photos over here from my Etsy shop.

Happy Halloween Everyone!

I'm going to do 2 blog posts today.  First, I have to share a couple of photos that my sister Kathi sent to me.  First, I'll explain the joke behind this picture:

Kathi dressed up for Halloween today.  In and of itself, Flo, the Progressive Insurance girl is a cute costume.  But what really makes this funny is that Kathi is an insurance agent!  No, she doesn't work for Progressive.  She works for an agency in Crystal Lake.  Why does this not sound as funny when I write it out as it does in my head? 

When Kathi sent me this photo via text message, I was just getting back in my car.  I literally laughed out loud!  Good thing no one was in the parking lot.  They probably would have thought I was nuts.  I'm a little crazy but I'm not nuts. 

Anyway, I thought this was cute!  And here's another photo.  This too is a result of my sister's incredible sense of humor:

Have a Happy Halloween everyone! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Large Cellphone Pouches Are Finished!

Wow!  Now that I'm done with my yard for this season, I'm actually getting some things done!  I have to loads to share here but for today, here are my latest Cellphone Pouches:

Since phones are getting larger again, I've been making Large Cellphone Neck Pouches.  And since I'm planning on getting a new IPhone after the holidays, I'll make a new one for myself. But that's after the holidays!

I added chains to these with lobster claw clasps so they're removable.  It's great for walking when you don't want to have to carry anything.

In other news, I just finished up 4 Crazy Quilt Tree Ornaments so I'll have photos of those tomorrow.

My current project is another Christmas pillow so be sure to stop back and see that too.  Then I have to make another gift.  I only have 2 more to do and I'm trying to pace myself, alternating between gifts and things for my Etsy store.

I'll leave you today with the cutest little video.  My dad sent me this the other day.  Ya'll know how much I just love animals and I think you'll get a big kick out of this.  It's called, Cats Stealing Dog Beds.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday's Treasures At Shabby Lane Shops

Kitty & Me Designs is the sponsor today for Tuesday's Treasures at Shabby Lane Shops!

Hop over to Shabby Lane Shops Tuesday's Treasures page to sign up for a chance to win a set of our pretty Glittered Notecards!  Handmade by Mom and I!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Beautiful Crazy Quilt

I've been doing the hand finishing on a few of my recent projects but feel like I'm in slow motion.  I can't seem to complete anything!  Thankfully, Karin, one of my students from my recent Color and Composition Crazy Quilt Class sent me photos of not only her Lesson 9 block but also, her completed quilt. 

What a treat!  Karin's quilt is gorgeous!  But first, here's her lesson 9 block:

The required elements are all here.  Isn't this stunning?  But here's the real treat:

Isn't this beautiful?  What a lovely quilt!  Thank you Karin, not only for taking my class but for sending me the photos of your exquisite work to share here on my blog.

I still feel bad that I had to cancel the class but many of my students had things come up that interfered with them being able to work on this project.  I hope everyone who worked on the blocks enjoyed them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sewing, Sewing and More Sewing

I usually wait until I have a few things that need finishing and then I sew up a storm to get them done.  Today, I sewed up the Peacock purse that I made last week:

And I sewed together the cellphone pouches that made a few weeks back:

I still have the hand finishing to do on all of these but I have a full schedule tomorrow so I doubt I'll get that until Thursday.  I'll have more photos when these are completely done.

In the meantime, I thought you might like to see my Halloween Centerpiece:

I know, I'm a bad kitty mom!  I've tried to teach my cats to stay off my table but I just haven't had any luck since our first cat Garfield.  He never got on the table!  But every one I've had since thinks my dining room table is a perch.  And I just don't have the heart to swoop them off.  If you ever come over for tea and cookies, please know that I'm a constant cleaner!!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cottage Christmas Tree Ornaments

Mom and I spent the weekend making some pretty Cottage style Christmas tree ornaments.  These are mom's:

And these are the ornaments that I made:

Mom and I have a good time making things together.  Did I ever mention that I like pink?  LOL!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

New Etsy Banner for Christmas

Before I can do anymore stitching, I need to get to my sewing machine and piece a few things.  I'd like to make a few small crazy quilt Christmas ornaments for my Etsy store.  But I always have a bunch of what I call "dumb stuff" to do!  I'm trying to get some of that dumb stuff out of my way so I can just settle in for the Winter and stitch until Spring comes.  I still have some yard work to do but everytime I have the time to do it, it rains!

For now, I thought I'd share the new Etsy Banner that Jason did for me with a Christmas theme.  I asked him to do something classic and I think he did a great job!  Here it is:

Of course, you can always hop over to Kitty and Me on Etsy and see a larger version.  I think I'll have Jason do a new for each holiday!  And if anyone else needs a pretty Christmas Etsy Banner, you can reach Jason through his Arcadecache Etsy shop.  I'm sure he would love to have some more creative work to do!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Peacock Purse Ready To Assemble

I finished up the stitching on my Crazy Quilt Peacock Purse and even crocheted so pretty fuzzy trim for the bottom of the bag:

Here's a close up photo of the peacock:

And some more close up photos of the stitching and embellishments:

I hope to get this assembled this week a long with a few other things.  The cellphone pouches that I made need to be put together as well.

I want to make a few small crazy quilt Christmas tree ornaments but again, I need to get to my sewing machine for that.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Peacock Still Under Construction

This purse is larger than what I usually make and I think that's why it's taking me longer than planned.  And I'm still working on reorganizing my things in my room here.  But here's another update on the Crazy Quilt Purple Peacock Purse:

I really just have a few more do-dads to add to this.  It's a gift for my mom for Christmas.  She doesn't read my blog and knowing mom, she probably won't use it.  Instead, she'll hang it on the wall and look at it.  You know, she thinks if she uses it, it might get dirty. 

Everyone I make something for tells me they can't use it because it could get dirty or ruined or whatever.  We can't take our nice things with us.  We have to enjoy them now.  I use my handmade purses all the time and they aren't dirty, nor has anything ever come off of one of them.

Use your nice things everyone!  These things are here for us to enjoy!  Here and now!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Still Stitching On Peacock Purse

Do you ever feel like you can't get anything done?  I kind of feel like I've been stitching on this Peacock Purse forever!  Here's an updated photo:

At least I have the tail feathers on now!  I hope to complete this tomorrow. 

I spent today doing laundry and trying to reorganize some things in my craft storage room.  It really isn't my craft room because I don't do any crafting in here.  My computer is in here and I store my supplies in here but I don't like it looking like a supply room.  I want to get it all neatened up and organized before Christmas because after the holidays, I want to repaint a few of my rooms and this one of them.  I want to paint it pink.  Are you surprised?  LOL!

Monday, October 14, 2013

New Items From Kitty and Me

I'm just about done with my peacock purse.  I'll have an update for ya'll tomorrow.

In the meantime, I've been working all day listing the newest things that mom and I made.  Well, most are mom's.  These little Decorative Thanksgiving Cornucopia's are mine:

I love Thanksgiving!

And then mom made some new Christmas Hanging Hearts:

A Christmas Door Hanger:

Some pretty Candy Cane Snowflake Ornaments:

And finally, this gorgeous Cottage Victorian Christmas Poinsettia Pillow:

Everything is in my Etsy shop!  BTW - How come mom has so much more done than I do?  I need to stay off of Pinterest!  Do you think that might be the problem?  LOL!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Guess Again!

I've been trying to get to blogging all day!  I ran and got groceries this morning, came home, put everything away, trimmed a bunch of trees in my yard and have been doing laundry.  I have 3 more Rose Of Sharon trees to trim and 2 more Lilacs.  I'll have to do that during the week.  I ran out of steam!

Okay, does anyone want to take another guess on the theme of my current Crazy Quilt purse project?

I'm so surprised that the photo of the fancy yarns and the vintage brooch didn't give it away:

I've made so many of these!  Be sure to stop by for the next update.  The tail feathers go on next!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fabulous Flea Market Find

Last weekend, my in laws were here so we went up to the Flea Market in Wilmot Wisconsin.  It's just a hop, skip and a jump from where we live.  And a beautiful drive too!

Anyway, I found this gorgeous, beaded aqua Christmas sweater:

This sweater is loaded with beads and sequins. Look closely at the picture.  Those are little Christmas trees!  Here's a photo of the other side:

You're probably all thinking, what in the world is she going to do with that?!!  Well, I'm not wearing it! I love my glittery purses but I draw the line with those!  I plan to cut it up.  Or did you already guess that?

The first thing I did with it was to take the zipper out and then I clipped the lining out of it:

The lining too is a gorgeous shade of aqua so I plan to use that too!  And guess how much I paid for this!  $5.00!  That's it!  Just $5.00 for all those little Christmas trees!

I filled my kitchen sink with cold water and washed both pieces by hand.  I laid them out on a towel to air dry so now they're ready for.....well, whatever it is I come up with!  LOL!!!  Be sure to follow me.  You never know what I'll be doing next!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

No Not Pansies

Thanks to everyone who left guesses on what the theme is for my latest purse project.  No, the theme is not pansies.  Nor is it violets.  Here is an updated photo:

Please try again everyone!  Maybe this photo will help to give you a hint:

Leave a comment or drop me an email with your guesses!

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Guess The Theme

I started another Crazy Quilt purse project yesterday.  This one is a Christmas gift:

Would anyone like to take a guess as to what the theme will be on this one?  Leave a comment for me and stay tuned!

I have a few new cute cat photos to share today too.  First is Wrigley:

Just look at that tail!  It's 14 1/2 inches long!  He walks around with his tail dangling over his head.  I feel like I want to tie a bow on it!  LOL!!!

And here's Cotton with his little Halloween Beanie Baby:

I had a few of my little Halloween Beanie Babies out but Cotton kept stealing them.  The other night, I was laying on the bed watching TV and he hopped up on the bed and dropped one in my face!  I actually had to put my little beanies away and I went out and bought him one of his own.  Now, he carries that little orange bear around all day long!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Purple Cellphone Pouch

I've been busy as a bee stitching on cellphone pouches and finished up on my purple one early this morning:

I used my waste canvas technique for this seam embroidery:

And I used Sharon B's CQ stencils for the crazy quilt stitches on these seams:

The combination of my charted borders and Sharon's stencils gives me an excellent variety of borders!

Here's a closeup of the grapes:

The grapes are a vintage brooch that I picked up at an antique shop a few years ago.  I made the leaves from a piece of green velvet.

I'll get these last few projects sewn in later this week and show photos of the completed projects.