
Thursday, September 05, 2013

Harrison Fisher Purse Continued

I spent the last 2 days sewing!  I probably ran my treadle machine around the world twice now!  My next 4 model blocks for my Color & Composition class are ready to stitch, I sewed up several purse blocks and a couple of gifts.  I really gave that machine a work out!  But I love sewing on it!  Don't laugh but I like to see how fast I can get it going!  LOL!!!

Wrigley loves it too!  I took this pic the day after we adopted him back in May.

I've also been stitching on this Harrison Fisher Crazy Quilt Purse:

My aunt asked to make another cellphone pouch for someone she knows so that will be my next project.

In other news, nothing lasts forever.  I had to buy a new car.  My 94 Towncar has done good for me all these years but it is almost 20 years old now (I've been driving it since 96) and it's time for something new.  I bought a Ford Fusion.  I'll post photos as soon as I can.


  1. I still think you should market that picture of Wrigley as cards!! Can't wait to see your new wheels...

  2. I am continually in awe of your beautiful work.


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