
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Stitching Halloween Cats

If you've been reading my blog for a few years, you know I have a tendency to be all over the map!  I just from one thing to another and go back and forth like crazy.  There is a method to my madness but you probably don't see it.  That's okay, if you're amused by me, I'm doing my job!

My Christmas ornaments are just about done.  I need to put the little do-dads on the bottom and then I can post photos.  I expect to do that over the weekend.

In the meantime, I've started on a few Halloween Cats.  This is the first.  I finished stitching him up this morning:

This little black cat doll is one of 3 that I'm doing for Bowl Fillers.  I'll be putting pumpkins with him and we'll have to see what else I come up with!

In other news, I just wrote the introduction and Copyright pages for my upcoming book and sent the files off to my assistant Jason:

We're getting real close on this!

Also on my list of upcoming projects is Lesson 6 of my Color and Composition Classes.  I have a cool theme picked out for this one so stay tuned.  I'll let you know when I have a release date for that.  I expect it to be around the end of May.

Finally for today, I went grocery shopping and decided that I'd better have a box of Purina Kitten Chow here.  Scott has vacation time next week.  We're not going anywhere.  I'm hoping to get him to work on my house.  Anything!  Maybe he can clean and reseal the driveway.  But we may look for a baby kitty.  We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. It will be nice for you to have Scott home with you for a while. Ken will be on permanent vacation soon - he is retiring at the end of this month! No more work for either of us - YAAAAAY! Mind you we reckon we've earned this with Ken working until his 71st year, and me working until I turned 60!


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