
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stitching Valentines

The week between Christmas and New Year's is always busy for me.  My cousin has some time off of work so I get enjoy an extra day with her.  Scott and I like to go our antique malls where I always find a few little goodies to use on my crazy quilts for the upcoming year.  Then there's my annual trip to the big Super JoAnn's on New Years Eve.  We have a small JoAnn's here in McHenry but the Queen Mother of JoAnn's stores is in Algonquin.  Lot's of traffic between here and there so I always ask Scott to take me there for a nice shopping spree on New Year's Eve.  Talk about living the high life huh?  LOL!!!!

On New Years Day, I do my end of year paperwork and then mom and dad come over.  We order Chinese and mom and I sit and make our plans for our Etsy products for the upcoming 6 months.

I'm still stitching up Valentines.  I love Valentine's Day and I love making things for Valentine's Day.  Here's one of my projects that I finished up this past week:

I'll probably spend all day on Wednesday sewing my Valentine's together.  Then I'll have to stuff them all and get them ready to list at Etsy next weekend.  Not sure I can get everything done by next weekend but I'm willing to give it the old collage try!

In other news, Lesson One of my Color And Composition Classes will be released first thing Tuesday morning, January 1st.  Be sure to stop by here that morning if you're planning on taking my classes.  I'll post a direct link over to Magcloud where you can order either the digital version or a hard copy.

I guess that's my news for today everyone.  Hope you all had a nice Christmas and hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. I envy your trip to antique malls..They are so much fun even if you can't buy.. We have a super JoAnn's here but it almost all fancy home deco stuff... The store is so large, understaffed and long waits for service. I seldom go there... I love your Valentine stuff... Gerry

  2. Happy New Years to you! I am looking over my pretty wall hanging I won from your blog! It is the sweetest ever! Your creative heart is always a good way to make me smile. It is such a pretty hanging.
    Enjoy our New Years Eve fun and have a terrific week!


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