
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cat Dolls for Valentines Day

Oh, what a cloudy, dreary, grey day!  We haven't had sun here in McHenry, Illinois for I don't know how long.  They're calling for snow later today.  Ya'll know how I feel about that!  But it is what it is and there's nothing I can do about it.

I've filled my bird feeders, fed my squirrels and ran to WalMart for Nightmare's prescription.  I have laundry going and when I finish up here on the computer, I plan to stitch the rest of the day.

I snapped a few pictures of my precious Nightmare this morning.  He loves to sleep under the Christmas tree:

Is he a beauty or what?  He seems to have pretty much recovered from the stroke he had 4 months ago but he's still a bit off.  Not too bad though.  Scott and I are taking him to the vet on Saturday for another blood test to see where things are with the kidney disease.  He eats well, in fact he's quite happy with the special kidney diet he's on.  I've had to get a little creative with snacks though.  He's kind of pathetic when he wants a kitty cookie which I can't give him due the fact that kitty cookies are all protein and it's the protein that's so hard on the kidney's.  He sits on the counter in the kitchen and stares at the cupboard door where I keep them.  Poor little thing!  Instead, don't laugh, but I make him pasta.  He loves pasta!  Just macaroni chopped up little and tossed with a bit of vegetable oil.  And he also loves the crust on white bread.  What we do for the ones we love huh?

I've been stitching up some Valentines for my Etsy shop.  My current projects are some of my little cat dolls:

I have 3 more sewn up and ready to stitch.  After that, maybe I'll make another purse.  Something pink perhaps?


  1. If he loved bread crusts...I'm wondering if he's love those little "soup" crackers...the unsalted kind of course. Those would be easy to keep as little snacks.

  2. Nightmare looks right at home under the tree. That was our Mitzy's favourite spot too - she should hardly stay out from underfoot while we got it decorated. When she was little her fav spot was up IN the tree. Glad to see that your little treasure is doing well.

  3. Yeah dark, dreary, and rain here. Sun what is that?? lol
    Your cat looks like he owns that space.


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