
Monday, November 05, 2012

Painted Daisies

A few years back, I was fortunate enough to find a huge spool of cotton daisy trim at a flea market.  There had to have been at least 100 yards on the spool and I only paid $5.00 for it!

I got a bee in my bonnet yesterday and decided I wanted to play with the fabric dyes so I pulled out my daisies and went to town!

I'll be using these on some upcoming projects.

And speaking of bees in a bonnet, I finished stitching my Bee purse:

Scott said it looks like something for a 12 year old.  Well, I've been known to be childish childlike.  LOL!  This one is mine!  I'll have to make some time to put it together.  I still have to put my Peacock quilt together too!


  1. This seems a very happy bee, lying on his back because his belly is full of honey. Very pretty!

  2. Well, to me, it looks like joy! And it makes me smile. So, that's a good any age!

  3. The painted daisies are a great idea. And I love the bee purse! So happy. And I always love bees.

  4. you certainly had a good find when you found those daisy trims. block looks good too

  5. Pretty daisies! You'll get lots of projects from these pretty colours. And I do love your bee!


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