
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hanging Pillow With Doll

You might remember this little hanging pillow that I made last week?  I think it was last week!  Honestly, I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago so your guess is as good as mine!  LOL!!

Anyway, I sewed it together yesterday and finished it:

I think this is just too cute!  The little doll is re-moveable.  I have some in different colors so I think I'll make a few more come Spring.

In other news, Pat Winter's Winter 2012 issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine is now available at Magcloud.  The cover photo is gorgeous, isn't it?

Finally for today, Kathy Shaw has posted a tutorial on her blog for Little Finger Pincushions

Do hop over and check out Kathy's blog.  Gorgeous eye candy there!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crazy Quilt Strawberry Ornaments Instruction Booklet

We've just released an instructional booklet on how to make Crazy Quilt Strawberry Ornaments:

Available at Magcloud.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Online Craft Show

Sarah, at Saturday Sequins is hosting an online craft show and was so thoughtful to include my items and my Etsy shop.  Please hop over and pay a visit!

Also, we're offering a 25% discount at Kitty & Me Designs on Etsy on all orders now through January 1st, 2013:

Use Coupon Code:  Christmas1 for 25% Off!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to wish everyone in Blogland and Stitchville a very Happy and safe Thanksgiving weekend!

No, you're not crazy!  This does say Happy Halloween!  It's a model for my upcoming book!  I finished stitching it this morning.

We'll be heading over to my mom's shortly.  I spent yesterday helping her with preparations (and eating her chocolate chips!)  Mom thinks I help her so much but I really just keep the dogs out of the kitchen and wash up dishes.  I kept asking her if she wanted to put some whipped cream in the Kitchenaid and turn it on high (we did that a few years ago just for fun, then spent an hour cleaning up the mess!) but mom didn't want to do that this year.  Guess you had to be there!

Anyway, have a great holiday weekend everyone!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cardinal Tree Ornaments

I finished up on this project this morning:

The little porcelain doll comes out of the pocket!  Too cool huh?  I've had this idea rolling around in my head for about 2 years now.  The doll is tiny.  Only about 2 1/2 inches high.  I have some more of those little dolls in other colors.  I'd like to make some more of these, maybe after the holidays.  I just needed some thing a little different to do.  I'll sew this up over the weekend.

Also for today, mom made a pretty little Cardinal Tree Ornament:

I've already added this to my Etsy shop.

Finally for today, I have a starting schedule for my Crazy Quilt Color and Composition Classes:

Lesson 1 - January 1st
Lesson 2 - January 21st

Those are the dates that the first 2 lessons will be released on.  I will add release dates as I set them.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dolls and Strawberries

I have some finishes to share today!  Yeah!  Sometimes I feel like I can stitch faster than I can finish things.  Maybe it's because I like the stitching part the best!

First, here are my Crazy Quilt Porcelain Dolls:

I think these are so pretty!  And unique!

And then I finished up my ..... oh wait!  I never told you what they were!  Remember these?

Look at them now:

Crazy Quilt Strawberry Ornaments!  These are so much fun to make!  And I'll have an instruction booklet ready soon!

In the meantime, these things and more are in my Etsy shop!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another Model

This morning, I finished stitching up another model for my upcoming crazy quilt book:

And of course, I started on another project because I have to have a project in the works.  If I don't, I spend too much time thinking about what to stitch next.  It's best for me to just pick something and do it!

In other news, I want to share this photo from a recent class that Allison Aller taught:

Several months back, Allie asked me if she could teach my waste canvas technique at a crazy quilt retreat.  These ladies are Allison's students and they're waving to me!  How cool is that?!!!!

Finally for today, we're offering 20% off in our Etsy shop, now through the end of Thanksgiving weekend.  Please hop on over and take advantage of our discount!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stitching Models

I mentioned awhile back that I've started another book.  At the moment, I'm stitching up a few models for it.  Since my books are self-published, it's okay for me to post photos:

I just started the blue one this morning and I expect to have time to work on some more later today.

I can't say that I miss designing the big, elaborate cross stitch designs that I used to do. It's just not my calling any longer.  But small designs that can be applied to crazy quilting are a lot of fun to do.  And I do still enjoy playing around with my PatternMaker software.

In other news, I'm also working on some instructional booklets.  The first one should be ready by the end of the week. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Floss Box

Emily at The Floss Box asked if I would do an interview for her blog.  If you would like to read it, please hop on over!

Thank you so much Emily!  It was so kind of you to include me and such a pleasure!

Friday, November 09, 2012

Sneak Peek

This is for an upcoming project:

Don't you feel like there's an air of mystery surrounding my blog?  It's kind of like, you know what I'm doing without really knowing what I'm doing?  LOL!!!  Yeah, me too!  Ha, ha, ha!

BTW - this is one of my little cross stitch designs.  I designed and stitched this yesterday for an upcoming crazy quilt project.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Color And Composition Lessons Flickr Group

I finished up my 3rd little red project this morning:

I know it doesn't look like much at the moment but it will when I get these sewn together which I'll do over the weekend.

In other news, I've set up a Flickr group for those who are planning on taking my Color & Composition Classes.  This is where we can share photos and discuss the lessons.

If you intend to take my Color & Composition Classes, please hop over and introduce yourself!  Also, feel free to post photos of your crazy quilt supplies!  And do include a link to your blog, website or Flickr album!  But please, only post if you're planning on taking the class.  If you don't intend to take the class, hop over and follow for the sake of the photos!  We will be starting with Lesson 1 on January 1st of 2013!

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Working On.........

I thought I'd chat a little bit today about my current projects.  First, here's a photo of my newest stitched piece.  I finished this up this morning:

I doubt anyone can guess what this will be.  But I'm working on an instructional booklet for it!  I'm sure there are some crazy quilters out there who would like to make some!

I'm also working on my next book.  I'm not giving any details yet but the patterns will be a nice addition to crazy quilts.  I have a ways to go on it yet and then it'll take me some time to convert everything to get it ready for publication.  No, it won't be another seam treatment book. 

Finally, I'm typing up Lesson 1 of my Crazy Quilt Color & Composition Class.  As soon as I get that done, I'll start work on Lesson 2.  That class will start right after New Year's!

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Update On Color And Composition Classes

Debbie S. asked me about my upcoming Color And Composition Classes.  She wanted to know if there will be a sign up or if it'll run like a stitch along.

The classes will run like a stitch along.  There won't be a sign up.  Stitcher's who want to participate will simply order the instructional booklet for each of the 25 lessons from Magcloud.  I suggest that stitchers either follow me here on my blog or follow me on Magcloud to stay on top of each lesson.

This ongoing class will take approx. 1 year to 18 months to complete.  Stitcher's who take all 25 lessons will complete a beautiful 25 block quilt and will have learned how to create gorgeous crazy quilt compositions using color.  Learning how to work with color & composition will come about through repetition based on my specifications and instructions for each lesson.  Stitcher's will learn new techniques and skills through the process of doing the lessons.  Helpful hints and shortcuts will also be included.  And there will be an air of mystery involved as each block will have a theme and color scheme but I won't be indulging that information in advance.  That will come about as I release each individual lesson.

We'll be starting this project right after New Year's.  I will set up a Flickr group so stitcher's who are participating can share photos and discuss the project.  And of course, questions can be addressed to me here on my blog, via email or at the Flickr group.

In other news, here is my latest stitched piece:

By looking at it, you probably can't tell what it's going to be.  There will be 2 more.  But I'm not going to spill the beans yet!

Monday, November 05, 2012

Painted Daisies

A few years back, I was fortunate enough to find a huge spool of cotton daisy trim at a flea market.  There had to have been at least 100 yards on the spool and I only paid $5.00 for it!

I got a bee in my bonnet yesterday and decided I wanted to play with the fabric dyes so I pulled out my daisies and went to town!

I'll be using these on some upcoming projects.

And speaking of bees in a bonnet, I finished stitching my Bee purse:

Scott said it looks like something for a 12 year old.  Well, I've been known to be childish childlike.  LOL!  This one is mine!  I'll have to make some time to put it together.  I still have to put my Peacock quilt together too!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Update On Bee Purse

Other than some cleaning, I spend most of the morning stitching on my Bee Purse:

I just love these colors!  This is so cheery to look at!

I'm going to work on Lesson 1 of my upcoming Crazy Quilt class and a my next book for awhile and then I'll stitch on this some more later this afternoon.