
Sunday, September 02, 2012

The Peacock Quilt

During my blogging break, I've been trying to clean out and rearrange cupboards and working in my yard which was done a long time ago due to the extreme heat and lack of rain back in July.  I have just about everything cut back and ready to try again come Spring.

It's been a tough Summer, losing my Simba in May and then my mom's Lakota in August.  But I have worked on some projects.  One of them is my Peacock quilt.  You may remember me posting about it quite awhile back:

I finally pulled it out and stitched on it:

Here are closeups of the side panels:

You can click on the photos to see larger versions of them.  Most of the seam treatments were worked from Volume 1 & Volume 2 of my Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatment books.  I will be working on putting Volume 3 together soon.

And here's a closeup of the embroidered peacock:

This was a pre-stamped design on black satin.  I stitched it back in the early 80's but never sewed it into anything.  I came across it a few years ago while rearranging my stash and thought it would make a nice focal point for a crazy quilt.  I added crystals to the eyes in the feathers for added sparkle.

I'll put this together soon and post an update when it's done.


  1. I missed your posts Pam... Good for you to take some time out to catch up... I've been trying to do that..

    I have a peacock WIP from a couple years ago. It's on my winter list when I finally finish my gold trek...

    Hope all is well with you and your mom as well. Gerry Krueger.

  2. It's so beautiful. I'm glad you are finishing it.

  3. Wow, Pam. The before and after photos are really unbelievable! You have done an amazing job. Can't wait to see it finished!

  4. Pam, oh my gosh!!! That quilt is coming along beautifully. I'm so impressed.

    I didn't say it before, but I'm really sorry about Lakota passing. What a beautiful, kind, sweet-looking dog! *Hugs.*

  5. Wow, Pam, your peacock quilt is ravishing! The stitching completely transformed those blocks you started out is dazzling.
    I'm glad to see you here posting and hope the rest of your summer is peaceful and productive too..
    Love you,

  6. I'm speechless. It really is beautiful!!

  7. Pam it was wonderful to see your post!!!! Welcome back sweety pie! This is breathtaking.....I loved being able to see the photos close up on my ipad....thinking of you always <3

  8. Your peacock quilt is looking stunning Pam! How big is the center panel? I know stitching on black isn't easy and you've done a fine job!

  9. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I am in an assisted-living home in Maryville, TN, near the beautiful Smoky Mountains, which are glorious to see. When I saw your beautiful peacock needlework, I was astounded by its beauty and showed it to several of my housemates. They, too, found your peacock to be absolutely BEAUTIFUL! BRAVO, YOU AMAZING NEEDLEWORK ARTIST! Keep on sharing what you have created and finished since you obviously have an amazing, lovely, artistic mind, heart, and passion for needlework! May God bless your mind and hands with even more lovely ideas to create and share! Your are going to get more and more appreciative comments, I am sure!


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