
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Red and Black Purse Done

I finished stitching my red and black crazy quilt purse early this morning:

I'll share another photo when I get it sewn together.

I also wanted to mention that we're taking one day at a time with Nightmare.  I talked to our vet again this morning and she said that his numbers for the kidney function are not in the dangerous zone yet.  But all I can get him to eat is rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and white bread.  Yesterday he was fine with eating the special kidney diet, today he won't have any part of it.

Since everything else is normal, my vet suspects that having lost Simba in May, that Nightmare is losing his will to live.  I think I mentioned that Nightmare was a year old when we adopted Simba and Nightmare immediately took to Simba and mothered him.  So like I said, one day at time.


  1. Bonjour, je suis Dilou de France près de Paris, je suis émerveillée par vos créations, je ne comprends pas tout car je ne parle pas très bien votre langue mais j'ai le plaisir des yeux. Merci pour ces magnifiques créations. Bonne journée. Dilou

  2. Love the way this is coming along, Pam! I am anxious to see how you finish it. Today we went the the fair and saw a CQ quilt from the 1890's; it was awesome! Thinking about your sweet kitty.......

  3. You could be very right that Nightmare is missing Simba. We think that's what happened when Gypsy went so closely after Odin. Nobody can convince me that animals don't have feelings for one another.


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