
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mom The Celebrity!

Last week, mom's picture was in our local newspaper, The Northwest Herald:

As you know, my mom is legally blind.  She has a small amount of central vision which gives her the ability to still do a little bit of sewing and make a few cards.  Mom always said that she was determined to use what vision she still has for as long as she can.

Mom is pictured here with the president of our local Lion's Club and her Seeing Eye Dog.


  1. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Your mom is such an inspiration !!!

  2. That is a lovely recognition of your Mom, Pam. I admire and respect her determination to keep creating beautiful things despite her poor sight. My sight is fine at the moment, but I often think that I will keep crafting until I can no longer see, although of course I hope that day doesn't come too soon.

  3. Hi Pam

    I was wondering if your Mom was going to get another dog soon. What an amazing woman she is to keep on like she does. Give her my best.



  4. This is great! Your mom is a pretty lady - say hi to her for me.

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    How great to see a picture of your mom! She's an amazing lady, with an amazing daughter.


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