
Friday, June 29, 2012

Christmas Fabric

It was 100 degrees here yesterday.  Needless to say, I didn't spend much time on my deck.  Scott and I sat out there for a few minutes in the evening but it was so humid, I could hardly breath so inside was the place to be.

I pulled some lace and trim for my Christmas Purse:

This purse was inspired by a fat quarter:

I need a full fat quarter to line a 9 inch purse.  To get the image, I just scanned the fabric into my computer and printed it on inkjet fabric so I can use it as a focal point for the design.

We have another hot day in store for today but not quite as bad as yesterday.  Hopefully I'll have a little deck time later.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Christmas Purse

It was quite warm yesterday but with my deck shaded in the afternoon, I was able to sit out there for awhile.

This is my next project, is a Christmas purse:

I've already crocheted the trim for the bottom.  I used fancy foo-foo yarn and added large hole sequins.

If you'd like to make some crocheted trim yourself and add the sequins, first, you have to string all the sequins onto the yarn before you start crocheting.

Then chain as long as you want your trim to be.  In the case of this purse, it'll be 9 inches across so I had to double that and then I add an inch for overlap on the back.

For the second row, single crochet adding a sequin every other stitch.

Third row, just do a single crochet with no sequins.  For the 4th row, single crochet adding the sequins every other stitch.

That's all there is to it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Crocheted Trim

Yesterday was beautiful outside.  I sat on my deck and crocheted some trim for my latest purse:

I used a pretty purple foo-foo yarn with some metallic thread running through it.  This will be very pretty when I get it put together.

My deck is shaded in the afternoon and I get a nice breeze that comes around the house.  At the moment, there's a mama Robin tending to a nest of 3 babies in one of my Rose Of Sharon trees.  I love to watch them.

On the left of my deck we have a Sparrow and a Wren trying to decide which of 2 different bird houses they want.  It's quite amusing to sit and watch nature.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lady With A Feathered Hat

I finished up the stitching on this crazy quilt piece yesterday:

I've decided that this will make a really pretty purse.  Maybe I'll sit out on my deck later and crochet some foo-foo trim for the bottom.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Vintage Earrings

I added a pair of vintage rhinestone earrings to my current crazy quilt piece:

I'm kind of in slow motion on this piece but I'll get it done.

Friday, June 22, 2012


I did a bit of stitching yesterday afternoon:

As you can see, I added a fealther and a vintage earring to the hat for dimension.  Just a dab of E6000 Jewelry Glue and it's on there for good!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crazy Quilt Purses

I did the finishing on my last 2 crazy quilt purses:

The Victorian Lady purse is already spoken for but the Cat Purse is available at our boutique.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stitching Beading and More

It was a hot one yesterday!  I watered my plants and changed my hummingbird feeders early so I could spend the rest of the day in the house.  I did some stitching on my purple crazy quilt piece:

We have another hot one coming today so I expect to spend most of the day inside.  I'll stitch on this some more after I run for some groceries.

I also finished up my last crazy quilt Cat Doll:

I love the colors on this one.  Reminds me of Valentine's Day.

I'll leave you with yet another picture of Lucy:

Give a cat a box and they're a happy little camper!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Victorian Purple Crazy Quilt

All I managed to accomplish on this yesterday was to sew the lace and trim pieces down:

Some of my readers know that I have not felt well for a very long time.  And it's apparent now that I got off a little too much medication a little too soon.  It's a catch 22.  I either put up with side effects or I put up with symptoms.  Unless things get worse, I guess I'll live with symptoms but I'm in slow motion.  That's just the way it's going to have to be for right now.

I was asked what I was going to make this piece into.  I haven't decided yet.  Either a purse or a pillow.  I thought when I get the stitching done, that I would ask my readers to vote.  I think it'll be pretty either way!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Victorian Purple

I pulled some lace and trim for my next project.  I love this purple and black color combination.  Very Victorian:

I still have to sew the snaps on my last 2 purses and then they'll be done and ready for photographing.

We'll be going over to see my dad this afternoon.  I made him a huge box of cookies to snack on while he reads.  For as far back as I can remember, my dad has always had his nose in a book.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Flea Market Schedule

I finished stitching up my little crazy quilt cat doll yesterday:

Like I always say, these little cat dolls never look like much of anything until I get them sewn together!  I'll try to do that this weekend.

I was asked if I would post the 2012 flea market schedule for Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.  Here it is:

Grayslake Illinois Fair Grounds - 2nd Sunday of every month sponsored by Zurko Promotions.

Elkhorn Wisconsin Flea Market - June 24, Aug 12, Sept 30 sponsored by NL Promotions, LLC

Wilmot Mountain Wisconsin Flea Market - Every Sunday through Nov 4

Kane County Flea Market - First Sunday of the month May - December.

There are also 2 flea markets open year round every weekend in McHenry.

Eckel's McHenry Flea Market and the Fox River Flea Market.  These 2 are a bit junky so I don't go very often.  But as with any flea market, you never know what you might find.

There are also 2 super nice Antique Malls in my area.

Volo Antique Malls in Volo Illinois and  Colonial Antique Mall in Woodstock Illinois.

Be sure to click on the links to go to these websites for locations and directions.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Heres Lucy

I've been working on a few things but still kind of in slow motion.  Here's an update on my latest little cat doll:

I'll have this finished up today.  I also worked on the finishing of the last 2 purses that I made.  All I have left to do on them is to sew the snaps on.  Watch for photos over the weekend.

Here are a couple of pictures of Lucy:

Isn't she just the prettiest little thing?  She only weighs 7 1/2 pounds.  She's actually 1 pound of Lucy and
6 1/2 pounds of fur!  LOL!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Latest Cat Doll

Just a quick little update on my stitching.  I started on another of my little cat dolls yesterday:

I also cut all the pieces of fabric for the last 2 purses that I made:

We'll see if I can get these sewn up this afternoon.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cottage Beach Decor

I finished up on my little Crazy Quilt Seascapes:

Pretty cottage beach decor!  I added a few of these to the shop in case anyone would like to have one.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Crazy Quilt Cat Purse

It was a hot one yesterday.  I ran a few errands, had iced tea with mom and then came home and finished the stitching on my crazy quilt cat purse:

I'll sew this together as soon as I feel up to it and add it to the shop.

After dinner, I pulled a couple of more project from my basket of "ready to stitch on" things.  I thought I'd do another of my little signature cat dolls:

I always like to do something small in between larger projects.

And here's a more traditional crazy quilt project, attached to a frame and ready to stitch:

I haven't decided yet if I'll sew this into a pillow or a purse.  We'll see when I get it stitched.

Today is supposed to be quite toasty!  I'll water my plants early, run to the grocery store and then spend the rest of the day indoors.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

A Little Bit Of Stitching

After doing a bit yard work yesterday, I added some more silk ribbon embroidery to my cat purse:

It's supposed to be a hot weekend so I'll probably spend most of the weekend indoors enjoying my A/C and stitching.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Silk Ribbon Flowers

Firefox seems to be moving as slowly as I am these days.  I've been trying to blog for almost an hour now. 

I've been working on some silk ribbon flowers around the image of the kittens on my cat purse:

I have some more ribbon work to do and then I'll start embellishing that lace applique a little more.

I've been in slow motion since I lost my little Simba.  It's getting better but it takes time.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Kitty Purse

I did a little bit of stitching yesterday.  Here's an update on my kitty purse:

And here's a closeup of the lace applique which I "colored" with tiny 4 mm sequins:

It's time now for some flowers.

I'll be working on this some more today.  For the record, today's blog post is brought to you by Lucy:

Who at this moment is draped across the keyboard!

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Fresh Homemade Salsa Recipe

Yesterday was grocery day for the week.  Although for some reason, I'm constantly running to the grocery store for something.  I think I like going there!  When I got back and put everything away, I worked in my yard a little bit and then made a big bowl of Fresh Homemade Salsa:

I never made Salsa before so I kind of just made it up based on things I've seen on Food Network.  Here's my very easy recipe:

Fresh Homemade Salsa

6 Plum Tomatos
1 medium green Bell Pepper
1 medium Red Onion
1 Jalapeno
1/2 cup chopped fresh Cilantro
juice of 2 Limes
4 tablespoons White Wine Vinegar
2 tablespoons Olive Oil

Basically, just chop all veggies and toss in a large bowl.  For the Jalapeno, be sure to take the seeds out and trim out the veins.  That's where the heat is.  If you don't like it hot, which I don't, take that out.  Chop the fresh Cilantro and add that to the veggies.  Add the fresh lime juice, vinegar and olive oil.  Toss well, cover and put in fridge over night. 

This is awesome salsa!  We'll be having it tonight with Taco Salad and homemade baked tortilla chips! 

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Seascape Progress

I didn't accomplish much of anything yesterday.  I pulled some fabrics for the backs of my Seascapes and I trimmed them up so now they're ready to sewing together:

 I have to run for groceries this morning.  When I get back, if I feel up to it, I'll try and put these together.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Kitty Purse Update

I did a lot of weed pulling yesterday.  There's always plenty of weeds.  It was a beautiful day and spending part of it outside felt good.

I also worked a little on my kitty purse:

I want to do some Silk Ribbon flowers around the kitties.

I also added a few of mom's new things to the shop:

Beautiful embroidery!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Ready For Stitching

My little kitty purse is ready for some stitching.  I have the lace pieces and trims all sewn down now:

I added a piece of white cotton fabric behind the kitty image to keep the blue silk fabric from showing through the image.

I don't really have any plans for today other than some stitching and laundry.  I may try to sew up my little seascapes but haven't decided yet for sure.  I haven't felt like sewing but we'll see.

Saturday, June 02, 2012


I didn't accomplish much of anything yesterday.  I ran to the Post Office for stamps and to WalMart for Nightmare's prescription.  I think I mentioned awhile back that Nightmare has had a heart problem since he was a year old.  Cardiomyopathy.  Our vet didn't think he would make it to 10 but here he is, almost 17 and still full of spit and vinegar!

After that, my dad was kind enough to go with me to our vet's office to pick up Simba's ashes.  Simba now has his rightful place on my dresser next to Garfield and Francis.  3 kitties at Rainbow Bridge. 

Picking up the ashes makes it seem so final but it really doesn't give me closure.  There's no closing off the wonderful memories and love that I have for them. 

I did manage to pull a few things for my cat purse:

This looks like nothing more than a mess right now but little by little, it'll be a pretty piece of wearable art.

The fabric sheets that I printed the kitties on is a little thin so I want to add piece of cotton fabric behind it.  I'll trim that up when I sew it down.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Little Pink Cat Doll

It rained all day yesterday.  After doing a few chores, I sewed up my little pink cat doll and did the hand finishing:

I still have my little seascapes to put together so maybe I'll work on those over the weekend.

I also finished the stitching on my Victorian Purse:

As soon as I feel up to it, I'll assemble this and add it to the shop.

My next project will be a Cat Purse:

I don't know when I pieced this block.  A few years ago I suspect because I almost never repeat fabrics now.  But I'll make it work!