
Monday, May 14, 2012

Stitching Seascapes

I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's Day.  We took my mom to the Flea Market in Grayslake where we each found 15 vintage hankies for about $1.00 each!  I've already washed mine so now they just need to be ironed.

I finished up on my Green Seascape yesterday:

My next Seascape is blue:

In other news, I'll be starting the assembly process on my Wedding project today.  As soon as I have it ready, I'll share photos and the mystery will be revealed!

I'd like to say thank you to everyone who left kind messages in regards to my Simba.  He seems to be doing a twinge better.

Finally for today, I'd like to say thank you to Nicole for doing a very sweet blogpost on me and my crazy quilting.  You can read Nicole's post at her Beadwright blog.


  1. Well shoot...I guess I should have read this post before leaving my earlier comment. Still anxious for the mystery wedding project pictures! Hope your Simba does get better...
    Take care...I will try to be patient!

  2. What treasures found at the sales!
    The Seascapes are beautiful, favourite one (and it's not even finished yet) is the blue one, can alsmost see the the sun light darting throught the water on the bottom right hand side.

    I sorry to hear about Simba, I must have missed something on your blog posts? I don't like the blog posts bit on Blogger now, all this faffing around to read more than 10 posts at a time, takes ages to catch up and I give up more often than not!
    Looking forward to seeing the completed Seascapes.


    Sandie xx

  3. Came over for a visit from Nicole's blog--your work is just stunning!


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