
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Spring First!

Finally, it's March 1st!  According to my calendar, it's Spring!  I just won't have it any other way!  LOL!!  March is coming in like a lion though.  Terrible winds yesterday and it looks like southern Illinois had some awful tornados.  Hopefully, March will go out like a lamb!

I have loads to share today!  First, I finished up my little pink purse.  Here's the stitched piece:

And this photo should give you an idea of what it will look like on the frame:

I paged through my books the other day that have the directions for attaching the purse to the frame.  I don't like how they do it but I have a few of my own ideas.  I still feel kind of clueless but I'll figure it out, one step at a time!  I'm going to get this assembled over the weekend.

In the meantime, I'm getting ready to start on another custom order.  I don't usually take on this type of project.  The lady who made this block asked if I would stitch and embellish it.  Normally, I prefer to work from start to finish but I must say, I loved the colors on this project so I agreed to do it.  Here's the pre-pieced block:
Last night, I pulled some trim and lace pieces for it:

I went ahead and hand painted the floral lace pieces right away so I could start stitching on this today.  The colors look a little washed out here.  I'm sure future progress photos will show a little better. 

One other thing that I wanted to share with you today is regarding storing supplies.  As most of you know, I'm a craft supply-a-holic!  I love craft supplies and have way more than I'll ever use but I don't care.  My only concern is in how to store my things.  I do have a room devoted to storing my supplies but I don't want it to look like a storage room.  It's 10 feet square and I have to have my big computer in there too.  I'm trying to organize my things so they're easy to see and get to but not all over the place!  I want to get a smaller desk for my computer and put a comfy stitching chair and lamp in one corner.  Just a little quiet space where I can stitch if Scott is watching football or racing.

Anyway, I'm sure this has been thought of and applied before but for anyone who needs extra storage space, get yourself a "back of the door" hanging shoe bag:

I picked this one up at WalMart for about $8.00.  The pockets are clear plastic so I can see what's in them.  And what's in them?  My collection of fancy yarns.  No, I know I don't crochet much but I love fancy yarn.  I like to use it on my crazy quilts and when I make purses, I like to crochet my own trims for the bottoms.  Anyway, now I can see them all so I can use them more!

This would be perfect for storing lace, threads, beads, buttons, anything really!  Even fabric if your collection is small.


  1. Hi, Pam, I found your comments and had to come over to say hello. How beautiful your stitching is! I love your purse and your crazy quilting techniques. Just love all of the pretty things you make. The storage hanger looks like such a great idea! blessings,Kathleen

  2. Just had to drop back by to say I hope you are safe from all of the tornadoes and bad weather in you area. blessings,Kathleen

  3. I always love what you do, and think it looks wonderful, but I can never use the kinds of pieces you use and have it look nice. LOL. I guess I'm stuck with my own style, or lack thereof. I love the storage idea. I'm going to have to get two - one for scraps of fabric and one for cq ribbons and trims - This keeping them in a box in the basement and discovering them over and over has got to stop! Thanks for the tip. Darn, your blog won't accept my open ID. Since blogger changed the moderation thing, some do and some don't.

  4. Great idea for the back of the door - unfortunately the back of my studio door is already full of 'stuff'. I'd love to do this though.


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