
Monday, March 19, 2012

Small Floral Crazy Quilt

I spent a lot of time outside this weekend.  The weather has been beautiful!  We washed the bedroom windows yesterday and I hung some new lace valences that I bought a couple of weeks ago.  Next weekend, we'll be doing the kitchen windows and the glass doors.

Despite having a difficult time tearing myself away from my deck, I managed to stitch up this small crazy quilt piece:

I pulled a few more small projects to work on but haven't decided what to do first.  Be sure to stop by tomorrow to see what I decided on!


  1. We had snow again yesterday. Not as bad as last week but March is always a bad weather month here. Your piece looks very summery.
    Love the flowers.

  2. It's beautiful weather here too Pam - totally unseasonal temperatures. It's lovely, but also scary to contemplate what might yet be in store for us.


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