
Saturday, February 25, 2012

White Cat and Pink Cat

The stitching on my White Cat crazy quilt piece is done:

It was nice to work with this color palette.  You may have noticed that I've been doing a lot with pink, green and purple lately.  I guess those colors are my favorites but I really like all colors and want to do more with the others.

I ended up shoveling my driveway myself yesterday.  I haven't had to do it in years so I shouldn't complain.  The worst part is that it was very wet, heavy snow.  And may I say that Direct TV needs to put windshield wipers on their satellite dishes!  LOL!

You may remember that we upgraded to a high def. TV so we of course, had to upgrade to high def. Direct TV.  Well, it's a bigger dish so instead of putting the new one on the side of the house where I could reach it with a broom to brush the snow off, now it's on the roof where I can barely see it!  When there's snow on the dish, there's no TV reception!

Yes, I had to stand on a chair with a broom, taped to another broomstick and try to brush the snow off the dish without falling on my 50 year old butt!  Ha, ha, ha!  So, this message is for Direct TV!  I need windshield wipers on my satellite dish! 

Okay, now that I've amused you with my snow story, here's my next project:

It's not really a pink cat, but he's dressed in pink and I love images of cats in hats!

1 comment:

  1. Pam I can't believe you have to go through that everytime it snows!!!! So funny! I was looking at your beautiful blocks and you've really inspired me to get more creative with my stitches. I used to do the multi layered stitches when I first started crazy quilting, I'm not sure how I got away from it but yours are heavenly. Have a happy Sunday!


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