
Friday, January 13, 2012

One More Cat Doll

It felt so good to have a "stay at home" day yesterday!  I didn't get to sew up any new blocks but I did all my finishing done and a ton of other things so I feel like I finally accomplished something!

I finished this little Yellow Cat Doll:

I mentioned yesterday that this cat is a gift for a friend who recently lost her kitty.  I'll package him up today so I can mail him tomorrow.

I also finished up my Valentine Pillows that I stitched before Christmas.  I'll have photos of those over the weekend.

I'm going to stitch one more cat doll.  This one will be a gift for a friend too but it's a "just because" gift:

Today, I'm going to go over to mom's for awhile.  I have to wait for my "driveway cleaner upper" to come and shovel for me.  I think we got about 5 inches of snow yesterday. 

For now, I'm going to stitch for at least 1 hour before I do anything else!  Have a great day everyone!


  1. Unlucky friend to lose her cat, but lucky to get this kitty.

  2. Yellow and blue is such a nice combination. Your friends are indeed lucky to be on the receiving end of your kitties!


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