
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Little Too Busy These Days!

I'm feeling a little too busy these days.  Seems every day I have some dumb thing I have to do or some place I have to go that takes too much time away from what I really want to be doing.

Today I see my Dr. regarding my medication.  I know she'll let me take the final step when I'm ready.  I confess, I'm a bit frightened now that I'm down to getting off of it.  It's been a long road.  A very long, hard, bumpy and frightening road.  And now that I'm at the end, it's a matter of being "ready".  I assume that it'll be like everything else.  When I'm ready, I'll know.

I have not had much in the way of stitching time.  5 minutes here, 10 minutes there.  Too many sooner do I start stitching and someone's pounding on my door or my phone is ringing or I have to drop what I'm doing and run somewhere.

Tomorrow, I hibernate!  In my house, by myself.  Just me and my cats.  We're supposed to get a few inches of snow tomorrow.  We made it 1/2 way through this Winter with no snow!  And I'm okay with that!  So I guess I'll let it be my excuse to have a "do what I want to do" day!  I will be running my sewing machine and I will be stitching!

In the meantime, I've added a few more of my mom's beautiful door pillows to our Valentines Day Shop:

These are both made from vintage handkerchiefs!

Well, I think I'll get offline now and squeeze in 10 minutes of stitching time before I have to get myself together to head out.  Have a great day everyone!  I think I'll be back to my regular daily blogging schedule now!  LOL!


  1. Ha,Ha! I know what you mean on all counts!
    I've been weaning myself of the dreaded medication for some time, like letting go of a 'friend' you're not too sure about!
    As for the interruptions...don't get me started!

    Hope everything goes well at the docs.

    Those door hangers are very pretty and what a lovely way to use up those old hankies.


    Sandie xx

  2. Beautiful pillows. Good Luck at the doctor's-I hate going so I know how you feel.

  3. Wishing you the best with the medication. I know you will come out the other side just fine. The art, again is amazing!

  4. Hibernation - aaah - snow is supposed to be on the way here too, so hopefully I'll be able to stay in and stitch too. You know my thoughts are with you concerning the medication - you can do it.


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