
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Embroidered Spider Webs with Kreinik Metallics

Awhile back, I wrote a tutorial on how to create Embroidered Spider Webs on Crazy Quilts.  I also wrote a tutorial on how to make a Beaded Spider.  I love stitching spider webs on my crazy quilts so I thought for today, I would talk about making them with one of my favorite threads, Kreinik metallics.

Kreinik Mfg. Co. Inc. produces a variety of beautiful embroidery silk and metallic threads.  As you know,  all that glitters is gold to me so I naturally gravitate to anything that sparkles and Kreinik threads are at the top of my sparkly thread favorites!

Kreinik offers metallic threads in a variety of sizes including #4 and #8 Braids which are excellent for Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments however, for spider webs, my thread of choice is Blending Filament.

Blending Filaments are intended for blending with other threads such as 6 strand embroidery floss.  1 or 2 strands of Blending Filament added to a couple of strands of embroidery floss will certainly add glitter and sparkle to any cross stitch project!

A single strand of Blending Filament, used alone for a spider web on a crazy quilt will most definitely give the look of realism since the thread is so fine.

There are a few challenges to stitching with a single strand of Blending Filament.  Here are few tips:

  • These are very delicate, thin threads so gentleness and patience is a must.
  • Use a needle with a large enough eye.  Getting a strand of this thread through the eye of a tiny needle is impossible.
  •  Use a length of only 12  - 15 inches and keep a long tail.  Without a long tail, it will keep sliding out of the needle.  You can also try a slip knot and tie it to the eye of the needle however, I don't care for this option.  Once that knot is on the needle, it's difficult to remove.  
  • Be gentle with it.  Blending Filament breaks very easily so don't tug on it too much.
With a little patience, beautiful, natural looking spider webs can be created using these gorgeous glittery threads.  Take your time and you'll be thrilled with the results.

Kreinik Blending Filaments are very affordable and come in huge variety of colors.  Be sure to visit Kreinik's website to see what they offer!


  1. I love using Kreinik for spider webs too - delicate but with some bling!

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Thanks for the tips. I'll have to try that. I have some, but I don't know that I've ever used it.

  3. I'm such a Kreinik fan, I just LOVE their stuff. It's so useful and, as they have so many shades and so many gauges and even finishes of thread, there's always something ideal for your needs.

    I wanna buy more.....

    Love the usage here too.=)

  4. I still have the Kreinik threads you sent me a few years ago, and have used them in various projects since then, including spider webs on my CQ blocks. I had some DMC metallic gold thread which I used to outline the trapunto'd owls on the wall hanging I recently completed, and it was a nightmare to work with! I think I'll ditch the rest of that metallic thread, and next time I need to use gold, I'll buy some Kreinik!

  5. I have some blending filament in my stash and it never crossed my mind to try using it for a spider web - thanks for nudge!

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Thank you for sharing this. I did not know to add it to floss and had been avoiding using it because of its delicacy. Jane in MO


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