
Friday, August 05, 2011

Wedding Purse Almost Done

I only had a little free time yesterday to work on this:

I did a little more silk ribbon work and added some more beading.  As much as I complain about Winter, I really do have more stitching time in the Winter months.  I don't have to take time to water plants, pull weeds, sweep the sidewalk and deck off, change hummingbird feeders and so on.  Oh, I just love Summer!  But I have way more time to stitch and craft in the Winter months.  Of course, Winter is coming and I'll be back to complaining about it the minute it gets here!  LOL!!!


  1. Beautiful!


  2. That is beautiful! I wish Andrea liked a lot of Bling! I love it!

  3. The wedding purse is so pretty! No matter how much I try to get into some of the heavy looking CQ, I still love the delicate pieces most!

    You're not alone when it comes to the seasons either. I told someone the other day how much I love winter (almost as much as summer) and it was for the same reason. I get so much more done. She looked at me like I have 2 heads.

  4. Looking beautiful!! Have you decided what to work on this winter? I cant believe I even asked that question already. Have a great evening. Hugs, Kim

  5. I love the ice blues and the doves are beautiful!!!


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