
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Little Crazy Quilt Eye Candy!

I've gotten a little behind on things like email and blogging lately!  I've been doing some organizing, cleaning out, straightening up and so on.  Getting the house ready to the best of my ability to hold crazy quilt classes here. 

My husband is in the process of painting the hallway upstairs.  When the tree hit our house back at Christmas of 2009, it cracked some of the drywall upstairs.  As many of you know, I went into a horrible state of depression a week later and it wasn't until now that I've been able to focus on getting him to fix the drywall and and repaint for me.  I'll paint the trim as soon as he has the walls painted.  It's hard to keep him in the house this time of year.  He loves to be outside and I can certainly understand that but I asked him to focus that ADD mind of his and try to get the painting done by the end of this coming weekend.

My next project is to repaint the bathroom which I've been planning on too since before the nightmare depression hit me.  So that's next on my list when the hallway is done.

As you know, my Marie Antoinette Crazy quilt is completely done now.  Well, I still need to make a quilt label for it which I'll do tomorrow.  Once I get it hung on the wall, I'll share a final presentation with you.  I also bought a rod today for my Button quilt which will hang in the bedroom over my husband's dresser.  I need to make a quilt label for that tomorrow as well.  When I have that hanging on the wall, I'll share another photo.

I have been doing a little stitching and worked up these two little crazy quilt door pillows:

Wait till you see how I finish these!  They'll be a little different than the way usually do my door pillows.

In other news, I've just finished up another round of horrible Zoloft withdrawals.  Every time my Dr.drops the dosage, it's 8 weeks of pure concentrated hell.  I didn't really plan on talking about depression too much anymore but I'm thinking, that maybe it would be helpful to someone if I just talked about the withdrawals, the symptoms and coping skills for getting through it.  Is anyone interested in me writing about that?  Please leave comments for me and let me know.

For now, I'm off to fold laundry.  Yeah, that's what I live for!  LOL!!!


  1. Hi Pam, Sounds like you have been very busy. Those are marvelous CQ so far.... I hope that you get your cq classes started soon and how lucky for those who get to attend. Hugs, Kim

  2. I to love "crazy quilting" :)
    But I also would like to know about the Zoloft withdrawls, because I too take Zoloft, have been taking it for years because I heard it has the least side affects.
    Please write me would love to hear more.

  3. Lovely stitching Pam.


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