
Thursday, April 21, 2011

400 Followers Drawing!!!

I'm thrilled to announce that I now have 400 blog Followers!  Yay!  I hope everyone is enjoying my chatter on crazy quilting, crafting and baking and everything else I ramble on about!

As promised, to celebrate this milestone, I'm having a drawing for one of my Crazy Quilt Cat Dolls!
 To enter, just leave a comment on this blog post and I'll put your name in a basket.  The drawing will take place on Tuesday, April 26th!

Good luck everyone and feel free to mention this drawing on your own blogs if you like!


  1. Wow, great milestone. We are all out here drooling over your art.

    Say hi to your mom!!

  2. A lovely blog! I've been following through Facebook, but now I'm following through Google...Number 401!

    I would love to be entered into your Draw, and I'll post on my blog about it.


  3. Congrats on 400 followers. I would love to be entered into your drawing.I posted about it on my blog as well.

  4. How purrfect! Congrats on reaching over 400 Followers!

  5. Congrats! I love your works! Please, enter me in this fabulous drawing! Oh, I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win!
    Amy Frazier

  6. Laurie Nicolas9:14 AM

    Ok. I'll go first! I visit your site often just to see how you are and look at all your beautiful art. I don't stitch (our do anything crafty, really) but I know what's involved and can appreciate all the time and love you put into each piece. XOXO

  7. OK, my last comment disappeared, so I'll do it again! I would LOVE to win one of your adorable cat dolls. They are beautiful and as my 60th birthday is the day of your drawing, that would make it extra special to me!

  8. I love your blog....Your work is so beautiful..thank you for sharing...

  9. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Oh Boy! I am a BIG kitty cat lover and I would do a happy dance if I could win that precious kitty. Thanks. Marcy Antle

  10. YIPPPEE! I am the first to leave a comment! Put my name is the basket!
    Congrats on your 400th following!


  11. Congrats on 400 followers!! Please put my name in basket for the drawing. I hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs, Kim

  12. Yea! Your cats are beautiful! I am a happy follower today! Congrats on 400 of us!

  13. Hi Pam! Please sign me up for your giveaway. I love that little cat! And I love your blog and going to check out all the other stuff. I have wondered about "Kitty and Me" and now I know :)

  14. Congrats on 400 one of em :) I love your work, and enjoy seeing what your up to! As for the adorable love a chance to win...sign me up please :)

  15. I'm happy to be one of them...always read your blog although I do not always comment......well done, it is no wonder you have so many freinds.

  16. Congratulations and here's to 400 more!

  17. Congrats on your 400th follower!

    Your Crazy Quilt Cat Doll is adorable...

    Continued success on your blog and designs :)

  18. Congrats on your 400th follower!

    Your Crazy Quilt Cat Doll is adorable...

    Continued success on your blog and designs :)

  19. Yay pretty kitty! Yay 400 followers! That's so exciting! Congratulations! :-D

    Sarah (from the cross stitch forum)

  20. Laurie Nicholas2:50 PM

    I'm hoping this works this time! I tried earlier this morning and my comment wouldn't post... I stop by nearly every day to see how you are doing and at all the pretty artwork you, your mom and Kathi do. XOXO

  21. I love these little kitties and would love to win one! You do beautiful work Pam.
    xo, Karen

  22. I would love to have a cat. Melisa Bakos

  23. Hello Pam, I would absolutely love the opportunity to win one of your very lovely CQ Kitty. Your embroidery is so very lovely. Hugs Judy

  24. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Your blog is lovely as all your work! Congratulations!
    Luiz Vaz

  25. Congrats on 400 followers and here's to many more! I look forward to seeing all your creative projects!

  26. please enter me...its soo sweet...
    vickie briningstool

  27. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Cute bunny Pam. I would love to have this sitting on my dressing table. He/she would love a trip to NZ and meet other bunnies in this part of the world. :)

    Designs a great day,
    Janet M. Davies - New Zealand

  28. Another cute kitty! Happy Easter, Pam!

  29. Well, I have to get my name in on this draw for sure! Who wouldn't want to own one of your kitties? Congratulations on your following Pam - you deserve it!

  30. HI!!! She sure is pretty!!! Love her!!!! Congrats on 400 hundred followers!!!! Wow!!! That is a lot!!!! hugs

  31. Anonymous9:03 PM

    congratulations! What a lovely give away - I'd surely like to have that kitty. :)


  32. Michelle9:23 PM

    I simply love looking at all of Pamela Kellogg’s creations, especially her Crazy Quilting Cat Dolls. I don’t know where she gets her ideas, the right color combinations, or the ability to know exactly what to put where comes from, but it all works. Pam is so inspirational that it makes me want to learn Crazy Quilting too! However for the time being, I will have to purchase more to go along side the five I already have. Not only do I enjoy all her creations, I also enjoy all the flea market treasures she shares with all of us. Thank you Pam!


  33. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Hi Cathy, I am the First to comment.THAT Must be Lucky!!Love your CQ cats.I am a cat lover myself.I LOVE their naughtiness,their "who me?" when they get caught out!!
    I'd Love to own one of your creations.

  34. Congratulations on reaching 400 followers Pam!

    Love your work - so glad you decided to come hang out with us at the cross stitch forum!



  35. Hello! Not sure if I have left a comment here before, or not. I'm not always good with commenting. I hope it isn't awful to leave one for your lovely contest!

    I love your work, and always read your posts (must comment more!) and admire your lovely creations. I especially love this one as it is in the shape of a Kitty! Gorgeous!

  36. wow 400 followers such a awesome number, love your kitty and your blog, please add me to your giveaway,.thank you love Glenda

  37. I have loved your work for a long time...and am most excited about your giveaway!

  38. Happy Easter to you Pam! Congrats on reaching this milestone. Your crazy quilt cat dolls are gorgeous - count me in for the draw!

    Sending your mom my love too!


  39. Hi Pam...your kitties are soo sweet, and they don't need a litterbox or need to be fed. Nice kitty! You have so many followers because you always have something new and interesting to bring to the table-I enjoy the blog immensely.

  40. Wow congrats on your 400+ followers! Your prize is adorable! Love all of your work!

  41. Yay, you made it! Such a pretty kitty!=o)

  42. Yay! Congrats on your milestone of 400 followers! That is awesome! I can definitely understand why - your work is amazing! :)

  43. Hi there, I have 2 great passions in life, CQ and cats, so you can imagine how excited I was to see your giveaway. Magical!

  44. Wow. 400 followers. Contrats! I read your blog daily & have even shared your posts re: depression w/my daughter. I love crazy quilting, cats & dolls. I would give it a good home!

  45. I love your work - beautiful - Deanna -

  46. I've been a reader of your blog for years now and always enjoy my visit.

  47. I've been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, enjoying the artwork, learning from the blogs themselves, and liking it a lot.
    I would like to enter the drawing for the kitty.
    I love CQ and and finding the blogs on the subject to be very educational. Thanks.

  48. Congrats on your 400th!! I so enjoy looking at your goodies and reading your posts. You always brighten my day!! How I would love to win one of your handmade cats!!

  49. Congratulations! 400 is a lot of followers. Your site is beautiful.

    I would love to be in your draw.

    Thank you Kathy

  50. Pam, I could spend hours getting lost in the beauty of your work, it just draws you in and the further you look it becomes mezmorizing. Like walking down the garden pathway, you don't want it to end. thank you for creating things that make others feel good. Hugs Lisa

  51. This drawing is now closed. Pam


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