
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crazy Quilt Purse - Edwardian Lady Stitching Complete!

I finished up the stitching on my Edwardian Lady Crazy Quilt purse the other day:

I was going to sew this up on Friday but due to my current round of Zoloft withdrawals, I just didn't feel like it.  I'd like to sew this week so perhaps, in a few days, I'll feel normal enough to do it.

Next, I'm going to stitch up Block #6 of my Marie Antoinette quilt.

I didn't feel up to doing much of anything yesterday.  Bubba took me to Michael's for some little yellow Easter Chicks and then I slept for 3 hours.  I can't get anything done these days with this medication withdrawal!  Anyway, when I got up, I decided to dye some Silk Ribbon:

I wanted to do more but stopped to make my pot of soup. So maybe I'll do more later this week.  I was running low on pinks but it looks like I was kind of into playing with the green dye!  Must be thoughts of Spring.


  1. I love the ribbon you dyed. I hope you get back to feeling better. I understand your pain. I love the purse too. Hope you have a great day today. Hugs, Kim

  2. Your stitching on the Edwardian Lady purse shows her off perfectly and the ribbons.....mmmmm, definitely spring (or Easter?).


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