
Monday, January 24, 2011

Crazy Quilt - Edwardian Lady Purse

After writing an article for a magazine yesterday on Victorian Crazy Quilting, I decided I had to get back at it!

I've mentioned before that I have ADHD and tend to enjoy many creative endeavors however, Crazy Quilting is still and always will be my absolute true passion!

I sewed some blocks up last year with images of Edwardian Ladies with the intention of making them into purses.  I pulled one out, chose some lace and trim pieces and started on this piece:
I wanted to post the photo of this purse before I get any further on it.  I know that many of my readers love to watch the progress of my stitched pieces so here it is!

In other news, I've been dealing with some mild withdrawals from the decrease in Zoloft.  Nothing terrible this time though.  The key to cutting down on anti depressants is to go slow!  Small baby steps!  I definitely feel more human on less but there's a bit of craziness here. It'll pass in time.

The next decrease will be in March.  I saw my Dr. last week and she told me she wants to give a few more weeks and then she'll drop it a little bit again.

I'll talk about coping with withdrawals in an upcoming article on depression & anxiety but I want to wait until I get through some more of it.  My next article will be on Spring Fever.  I already have that setting in!  Isn't it Spring yet?  Does Baseball season start soon?  Is it ever going to stop snowing?  LOL!!!

I guess that's my news for today everyone.  I feel like I've been neglecting my blog a little bit.  I've been so busy taking care of the new boutique, other things have been on the back burner.  The dust is settling now so things should start returning to normal.  Whatever "normal" is for me!


  1. Pam, I love the start of the Purse!It looks great!

    Just to let you know I brought my first Lap Quilt Kit! My girlfriend who talked me into it, embellished it with Buttons and beads, so I am going to give it a try!
    And a extra, I always thought "Normal" was the setting on my washer! Maybe I should than go back to my doctor to get my Zoloft change! She wants me to start getting off, told me I'm doing better now than when Joe was in the Hospital and after his death, we will see!

  2. That angular piece of pink lace is so pretty used this way. It really draws your eye to the focal point. Colors are beautiful too!

  3. Well now that I have found your blog thanks to Miss Debbie from mosaicmagpie...I am glued to my seat to see what you will come up with next. This is beautiful and right up my alley as I love the Victorian purse and the image you used is darling! I am new to this cq so I'm here for the ride to see how you finish this one! Big hugs Beth

  4. Oh, this will be a fun project to watch and develop! Those are lovely colors.

    I’ve been so preoccupied (sick for three weeks, finally went to the doctor and hope to be on the mend soon), that it seems as though winter has passed me by (at least in my mind). And I don’t mind that. I’ll be off to Arizona in 2 weeks and will stay there for a week. By the time I get home, Spring WILL be on the doorstep! At least the days are getting longer. Take care, dear one! Hugs, Cathy

  5. I love the beginnings of the purse and watching how you put things together. I hope that you have a great rest of the week. Hugs, Kim


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