
Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Week

I have been stitching but I know everyone is busy so I haven't worried about blogging too much this week.  I've also been helping mom out.  As you know, she had gallbladder surgery last week and is doing well.  Surgeries aggravate her depression though, so she's having a tough time with that.

My Simba is doing better.  He's still too thin in my opinion but he has put a little weight back on:

He's been playing more!  It's good to see that.  He used to play all the time and still chased his tail until the Colitus set in.  Now he lays on the sofa and plays with that little pink fuzzy ball all the time!  The only problem is, he knocks it on the floor and then I have look for it!  LOL!!!

Here's one of my latest finishes:
The design is from my collection of vintage iron-transfer patterns.  I've crayon tinted it and bordered it with a white and blue pin dot fabric.  I just added it to the shop.

At the moment, I'm working on some little baby things using my vintage patterns.  I thought it would be fun to offer some baby items in the shop.  I plan to start on Block #5 of my Marie Antoinette quilt later this week.

As for Christmas, I just have to wrap my gifts!  I put my little tree out yesterday, and my little glitter houses that mom & I made last year so my living room is sparkly but not overwhelming to me. 

If you've been a long time follower of my blog, you know that I deal with ADD/ADHD, Depression, Anxiety and Seasonal Affective Disorder.  This is the most challenging time of year for me.  But I'm glad to say, that after tomorrow, it starts staying light out longer.  I know it won't be noticeable for a few weeks but it's good to know that we'll be gaining a minute of daylight every day!

If you cope with any of the disorders that I mentioned, or if you deal with the holiday blues, you might find this article on Coping The The Holidays helpful.

I hope you're having a nice holiday season.  I'll be back tomorrow with my favorite of mom's Christmas cookie recipe.  If you basic baking supplies on hand and a bag of chocolate chips, you'll be able to whip these up!


  1. The pillow is so pretty. Tell you Mom I said hello and glad she is doing good. I have had a bad cold or sinus infection for about 5 days, I havent felt this bad in a long time. I have missed your blog posts. We are celebrating on the 22nd so my Christmas stuff will be put away before actual Christmas day. Hope you have a nice week. Hugs, Kim

  2. I'm so glad to hear that both your Mom and Simba are doing better. Please give a big hug to both of them from me (and while you're at it, give yourself one too...'cause I know you need lots of them this time of year).

  3. Hi Pam, I've been kind of out of touch lately, sorry. Your mom and I will soon have something in common; mine is being removed on Weds. Your Simba looks so much like our Ginger...current photo on my blog of both of our heater hogs.Take care and have a nice holiday.

  4. Merry Christmas Pam, I hope you have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend.

  5. Hi Pam

    I am sorry to read that your Mom had to have surgery. It is no fun and I hope she is feeling better.

    Tell her I have one of her cone ornaments hanging on my baker's rack and have had many nice comments on it. I always tell them they can order themselves but whether they do or not I don't know.

    Take it easy for the rest of the season and things will start to get better. I think you would probably like living somewhere with a warm climate like Florida or Arizona.
    Think retirement.

    Extra Christmas Hugs to both you and Mom.


  6. I hope your mom and Simba are doing better. I wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas - you have been a joy to meet and a real blessing to me this year!



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